Bus210 week 9

150 words each question and proper citation please question 1 Watch the video “Controlling as a Function of Management” and explain the primary reasons why the control function is important to Sam, the manager of TQM Repair Shop. Please click “Reply” and post your response for the rest of the class to see. Prof. Cruz … Read more

I need a discussion done for week 10 for My New Business Venture and Enterepship class and a response to 2 other classmates

 Week 10 Discussion Best Innovation Pitch  This weeks DQ hosts a friendly class competition. First, create and post a pitch on why your innovation business plan is “best in class.” Then, from your peers’ videos, select the two that impress you most. At the end of the week, the professor will announce two winners, based on peer feedback and … Read more

Financial markets

In this chapter, we calculate the ‘Duration‘ for financial security such as a Bond. Identify what is the Economic meaning of this Duration? What is its usefulness for investors and institutions? [Read chapter 3 LG 3-8 first] Suggested length: Two long paragraphs; One external citation!


Why are you doing this assignment? A review of the business, industry and management are critical aspects in the overall evaluation of a company. In this discussion post, we will focus on the role these factors have played in past company failures. For this assignment, you should search for a firm that failed in the … Read more

Chapter 6-7 Practice Problems

Complete the problems below from the textbook. You will need to use the “Baseball 2016 Data,” “Lincolnville School District Bus Data,” and the “Century National Bank Data” files for this assignment.  The files are located in the topic resources. Chapter 6 Problem 45 Chapter 6 Problem 71 Chapter 7 Problem 53 Chapter 7 Problem 55 … Read more

Module 5

Module 05 Course Project – One Million Dollar Investment Module 05 Content Healthcare is an ever-changing industry that requires healthcare organizations to align with those changes or risk being left behind. With the advances being made in technology, every corner seems to present the healthcare industry with new technologies, new approaches to treatment, new ways of rendering services, new electronic health record (EHR) platforms, and other … Read more


JC PENNY please use papers from week 6- 8 as reference.  Marketing Research Project Part 3: Final Research Report  You as a Marketing Research Manager have been assigned to conduct a small marketing research study. You have developed questionnaires and collected data in weeks 6-8. Please discuss and prepare the following items:  Data analysis and … Read more


After reading this week’s article, and any other relevant research you locate, please discuss the following in your main post:. Which case study in the paper was most interesting to you and why? Do you think that ERM is necessary in the contemporary organization and why?

Cost of Capital

InstructionsAnswer the following questions in a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Submit your assignment using the assignment link.This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the … Read more


For this assignment, research two contemporary accounting topics, such as valuing intellectual capital and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and how these standards differ from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and sustainability and environmental accounting. There are several articles and one video in this weeks recommended resources section of the course guide that can help … Read more