
  The unit lesson and the textbook readings for this unit list several project valuation methods. Choose three project valuation methods, and write an essay that explains each of the methods. Specifically, your essay should cover the following topics: Include an introduction that explains the overall function of valuation methods in capital budgeting and why … Read more

Discuss questions or concerns or enthusiasm you have regarding one of these areas (or other similar area of your choice) that are changing due to technological advance

  BUS475/week#5 In Chapter 11 of your textbook, you explored important areas of risk and opportunity for society and companies such as the role of technology in business and society, cybersecurity, privacy, robotics, genetically engineering and others. Discuss questions or concerns or enthusiasm you have regarding one of these areas (or other similar area of your … Read more

Reflection Paper CB

Reflection Paper View the video on the top 10 Labor Strikes in US History.  Review the article on the biggest labor strikes in American history. What similarities and differences exist in the top labor strikes in US history? What similarities/differences exist between the top 10 strikes in US history and the biggest labor strikes in … Read more

Module 2 Discussion MF

Investigate this story and describe what has happened to Volkswagen since this scandal broke. What activities might Volkswagen engage in to satisfy the four components of corporate citizenship: economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic? Your post should be 3-4 paragraphs in length. Make sure to demonstrate critical thinking and analysis. To support your post you must … Read more

Discussion Question: CB

Discussion Question: “The increasing sophistication and enlightenment of modern top business executives in dealing with their subordinates has led to a state of affairs wherein management today are more democratic than unions.” Do you agree? Why or why not?  For full credit, include one journal article to support your post.  Your initial post is due by … Read more


  Select a prospectus of your choice. It must be no more than five years old and describing an issue that is domiciled in Kuwait. You are asked to read the prospectus and answer in your own words the following: 1-     Describe the issuance, the investment banker, what is the money to be used for. … Read more

capital, dividends

Review the 1) dividends for the past three years and 2) capital structure of the company you have been researching for your SLP assignment. Then answer the following questions in a Word document (except for the Excel portion specifically noted). The paper should be 2 pages in length. What has occurred with your selected companys dividend … Read more


Before starting on this assignment, make sure to carefully review the background readings. Part A requires you to make some computations, and Part B requires you to analyze some scenarios using your knowledge of the concepts. So make sure to go through the computational examples in the required readings and also thoroughly review the key … Read more


If you have poor credit due to being delinquent on credit card debt or other issues, chances are the bank is going to charge you a higher interest rate on a personal loan, or it might not give you a loan at all. Corporations face the same problems. If a company takes on too much … Read more

Research Paper

Really need good quality work. Someone who will deliver A++ and free of plagiarism writing. Please take time to review instructions and rubrics. Ask questions if necessary. Take time to write paper and deliver free of error. Please use APA 7 guidelines. Follow Rubric and deliver quality paper.