Organizational behavior

  Questions: ( 250 words) 1. What are other ways that a company can utilize a multigenerational team to their advantage? 2. What challenges does a multigenerational team pose for management? 3. What should the company and management team consider when attracting new employees of all generations?


After reading ‘Environmental Designs International‘ page-130 from the attached text book answer the below questions based on chapter-4 and scholarly journal peer reviewed articles.     At the senior management level, you get hired for competence. You get fired for personality. In your opinion, is this statement true or false? How does it relate to Barry … Read more


After reading chapter-4, answer the below questions in own words. APA format must and no plagiarism   What might be some reasons the dimension of openness to experience correlates so strongly with historians ratings of the greatest U.S. presidents but has been less strongly associated with business leader success? Do you think this personality dimension … Read more


Case Study:  Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Barry has noticed that Pinnacle Custom Homes Case isn’t the cheerful, pleasant place it used to be. Back when he was building six homes a year, everyone appeared to be dedicated to meeting deadlines, controlling costs, and keeping customers highly satisfied. But over the past two years the company … Read more


During this culminating project, you will complete a professional PowerPoint presentation consisting of seven slides. In each slide, you will choose a leadership theory or motivational theory from your book, and describe why your chosen theory would be the most suitable to meet each of the company goals as listed below. Please select a different … Read more

week 5 question

 The term “Big Data” is highly used in healthcare. 1- can we define this term? Why did we need it? Also, can we include the applications/tools that are best prepared to handle Big Data. I think we all know by now that there is a tremendous amount of data available in healthcare. From operational, strategic, … Read more

Two activity

Activity I – You have just opened a restaurant in a large city, and you are deciding what you should charge for a regular-sized soda. You’d like to charge a price equal to the average of your competitors, which you believe is $2.58. To inform your decision, you want to learn more about the average … Read more

Answer the four case study questions for the ACN Inc Case Study in Chapter One Answer the three case study questions for the Mattel Case Study in Chapter 13

 PFA, the pictures of the case study and questions. Answer the four case study questions for the ACN Inc Case Study in Chapter One Answer the three case study questions for the Mattel Case Study in Chapter 13   Minimum 250 words per Case Study Question    Citations Required: If any resource is cited besides the … Read more

Reasoning from Sample to Population

Chapter 3. Reasoning from Sample to Population Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the … Read more