Mod 1 Common selling styles NEEDS REVISION

 The paper attached needs revision using the below tips. Please add the following to the paper: Describe two of the three selling styles. Score = 2. You did describe the three selling styles clearly (traditional, market driven, and strategic). You explained the styles and which style would work best for the new product sales plan. … Read more

Management Concepts Final Research Paper

 For your Final Paper, you will choose an organization (corporation, company, firm, or association) and prepare an in-depth managerial analysis of that organization. To make the assignment more meaningful to you, you are encouraged to select an organization in which you would like to join as an employee or associate.  When selecting your organization, keep … Read more

See the questions below

Discuss how important it is to communicate more effectively on IT Projects. An article to get you started is listed below. Find a few additional resources to discuss some of the issues experienced with communicating between IT professionals and business professionals. Also, discuss the importance of communicating more effectively on IT projects and what to … Read more

mod 6 Presentation for training

 Competency Explore techniques, tools, and approaches to design and produce an effective professional presentation for an appropriate business audience. Scenario You work in a training department at a large bank. Your marketing department regularly gives presentations based on research they produce for new product development. Your manager has attended several of these presentations and feel … Read more

Mod 4- How to respond to negative reviews

Competency Explore problem-solving skills for business analysis. Scenario You manage a local chain restaurant that is known for its burgers. The restaurant is located on the corner of a major intersection in a suburban neighborhood. There are many choices in the area for a cheap meal that is family friendly. With so many options available, … Read more

Mod 3 Proposal for research

Competency Explore problem-solving skills for business analysis. Scenario You work for a taxi service in a large urban area. As the rideshare industry has continued to expand and while companies like Lyft and Uber dominate the marketplace, taxi services have struggled to compete. Rideshare service is faster and in most cases cheaper and now, with … Read more

Benchmark – Emergency Response Preparation

  The purpose of this assignment is to determine the significance of a contingency plan in preparation for potential threats, such as emergency response for addressing terrorism, natural, and man-made disasters. Write a 1,250-1,500 word proposal that focuses on the importance of incorporating an emergency response plan for addressing continuous organizational operations. Be sure to … Read more

Epidemiological Trends #2

  Considering that communication with a single patient, a family, a group, professionals, or an organization will vary based upon context and severity of the information, describe different tools that may be used to deescalate fear or mitigate confusion in an emergency situation. Discuss why these types of tools are used, including three different emergency … Read more

Epidemiological Trends

Describe one other epidemiological threat that has been in the news in the past 2 years that is not influenza. Discuss how this threat affected the community, including local, state, and federal resources that were brought in to restore normal business and life. Include any media examples that discussed either good or poor reactions by stakeholders … Read more