Bus210 week 4

200 words each questions  Question 1 Please answer the following questions: What is organizational change?  Why do many employees resist change? Question 2 Watch the video, and in your own words, explain why planning is so important to managers.  Long-term and short-term planning By Artem Neshepa, Senior Network Engineer at LinkedIn July 2016   3:06 minutes

Integrated Marketing Communican

I need 15 slides in PowerPoint with 1250 words for this DEBATE to support my argument which is : Social media influencers shouldnt be regulated by a relevant government agency because they increase sales of products and services which will create jobs and improve countrys GDP as a result Also I Need You to prepare … Read more

Writing a 6 pages Assignment Paper

Please search for published dissertations related to Hofstede Cultural Dimensions and answer the followings:  The Statement of the Problem of the dissertation the researcher investigated;  The research questions and hypotheses;  The findings of the study; The limitation of the study; The recommendation for future study; Discuss possible dissertation topics based on the recommendations of future … Read more

supply chain management

Earlier in the course we learned why supply chain management is so important to marketing managers. If we don’t own it, we cannot sell it! This week you’ll create a simple supply chain for your marketing plan. For an example of this assignment, . Please see attached supply Chain pdf to show how the assignment is … Read more

Marketing Report – 4 pages

Instructions   For   Assignment 2 you will create a new product and provide how you would market   your product. You will need to provide information on how your product is   superior to your competitions product. 1)   Define and explain each of the following tools/concepts below. The strategic planning process S.W.O.T Market Segmenting Target Marketing Product … Read more


 WEEK 1 CHOOSE AN ORGANIZATION A.   SELECT AN ORGANIZATION TO STUDY B.   PERFORM A SWOTT ANALYSIS TO IDENTIFY THE TRENDS AFFECTING THE INDUSTRY. C.   CREATE A MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE ORGANIZATION For the Week 1 paper, complete the following tasks: *****Summarize key details about your organization. What does it do? Who are its customers, clients, prospects, or … Read more


Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub questions of each bullet point. The sub questions are designed to get you thinking about some of the important issues. Your response should provide a succinct synthesis of the key themes in a way that articulates a clear … Read more

marketing management discussion 5

  From the videos and (TRANSCRIPTS ATTACHED), answer the following: What is your favorite brand? Name and describe five brand touchpoints using one touchpoint for each phase of the consumer buying process. Explain why these are important to support the brand in each phase of the buying process. Search the or Internet for an article … Read more


As a healthcare compliance medical-legal representative, you have been assigned to review a case on patient compliance and provide a report to the healthcare organization’s legal team. In this case, an infant-plaintiff alleged that obstetricians/gynecologists did not use proper care in their performance of a cesarean delivery, resulting in a brachial plexus injury in the … Read more


Please read DQ and PA2 introduction CAREFULLY! 1. Reading DQ and PA2 introduction and using DQ template to finish DQ 2. Reading DQ and PA2 introduction and Write a paper (PA2) 5 pages all references should be peer-reviewed Plagiarism check under 18%