Internet Blog

  What is the best platform to promote your blog and why?  Thinking about your groups selected blog, would you say it was successful?  Why or Why Not? Can you please write the above questions for coindesk internet blog in APA format with references

Internet Blog

What is the best platform to promote your blog and why?   Thinking about your groups selected blog, would you say it was successful?  Why or Why Not? Can you write the above questions for coin desk 

I need help with a Marketing paper

   Marketing professionals use a feedback and control mechanism to monitor the performance of the marketing plan. Control Section & Final Marketing Plan. The Control section is the final component for your marketing plan. The marketing performance must be monitored to ensure it is performing up to expectations. According to the download, specific monitoring metrics … Read more


PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND PROVIDE FEEDBACK USING 75-100 WORDS! Production orientation: a philosophy that focuses on the internal capabilities of the firm rather than on the desires and needs of the marketplace. An example of this would be Burger King making hundreds of average burgers a day at a cheap price other than … Read more

Microsoft Case Study

  Microsoft Case Study Case studies are an essential learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides in order to … Read more

Product Marketing Strategies

  Successful business owners understand the value of repeat customers and how it affects their bottom lines. In fact, studies reveal that returning customers spend close to twice as much money as new customers. For this assignment, assume that you are a committed, small business owner with the goal to further the success of your … Read more

Marketing crosses the line

  Assume that you are a marketing manager in your country and provide reflective responses to the questions below: Give some specific examples of where you think marketing crosses the line into unethical behavior, Then make some recommendations on what should change. My country is Nigeria.

Direct Marketing

 A direct marketing channel typically involves a producer and a consumer. In contrast, an indirect channel is a channel that includes one or more intermediaries (distributor, broker, or agent). Companies usually employ multiple channels to reach more customers and improve sales. Some organizations may improve sales is by forging strategic channel unions while other firms … Read more

Final Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan RubricContent(130 points) Submission includes all sections and is a cohesive marketing plan.  Includes 1-page figure/chart/image for marketing plan timeline and 1-page figure/chart/image for how strategies are connected to your objectives. Appendix includes the complete Product/Audience Match Strategy assignment and the complete Personal Marketing Strategy assignment, both of which follow their respective instructions. Formatting(20 … Read more

Essay Question

  What influences on personality development seem most important to you… and why?  The assignment is in the format of essay writing, and it must be submitted in APA (7th) style of writing; and it requires no less than one full page of writing with the proper reference page and writing text referenced, minimum 300 words.