Internet Blog pertains to Market Research

  Choose an Internet Blog that pertains to Market Research.  Describe the following: What is the goal of blogging? What makes a successful blog? What are the key components of a blog? What is the best platform to promote your blog and why?  Thinking about  selected blog, would you say it was successful?  Why or … Read more


PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND PROVIDE FEEDBACK WITH 75-100 WORDS. Four Marketing Management Philosophies 1. Production Orientaiton-Is simply what the business makes to sell to the public. This orientation askes questions to the company to figure out what the establishment can effectively manufacture and maximize profits. Questions like what can I make? What can … Read more


Pick a firm (The firm that you would write is about Camera, such as Canon, Nikon or Sony…….)       How would this firm benefit from a marketing dashboard approach?       What elements would you recommend it put onto its dashboard?  Why do you recommend the ones you do?       How could the firm avoid some … Read more


Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, once proclaimed in an interview that the age of privacy had to come o an end.  According to Zuckerberg, social norms had changed and people were no longer worried about sharing their personal information with friends, friends of friends, or even the entire Web. This view is an accordance … Read more

Product/Audience Match Strategy

Product/Audience Match Strategy  Part of Final Marketing Yourself Plan Assignment Formatting  Length of assignment is approximately 3-4 pages. Document should use Times New Roman 12-point font with margins not exceeding 1-inch.  Assignments should be completed and submitted before due date/times. Late penalty is 10% deduction per day (or partial day) late. No plagiarism, copying or … Read more

Employment Law III

Hello everyone, I have an Assignment for you today. This assignment must be DONE by Wednesday, May 19, 2021, no later than 10 pm. By the way, I need this assignment to be PLAGIARISM FREE & a Spell Check when completed. Make sure you READ the instructions CAREFULLY. Now without further ado, the instructions to the assignments are below: … Read more

Expert Sessions Chapter 2

If unable to pull up video let me know.  You will need to listen to the lecture above and write a summary.  You must organize the information and explain it in a way that helps someone else learn the material. You can use diagrams or charts to help organize the information effectively.  Approximately two pages … Read more

Strategic Marketing Basics

The following exercise allows you to practice collaboration skills while learning about marketing concepts and strategies. Complete the warm-up exercise, . A of this interactive exercise is also available. Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: As a marketing manager, how does a focus on … Read more

need four responses to discussion questions 300 words min with references APA format

In many projects, teams are tempted to immediately identify solutions for implementation. Explain why is important to follow a process for understanding the problem, and who should be involved in final solution prioritization. Explain, in your own words, the relationship between a project network and a project plan. Can a project plan be created without … Read more