essay type questions

1.Imagine you are the Director of Self Driving Car initiative at Uber. There has been a push back about this initiative both internally from the Uber Drivers and externally from general people who think they are unsafe to be on roads. Prepare a strategy that helps Uber grow and keep this initiative while managing all … Read more

Complex Projects

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:    What are the benefits of project management? Consider the most complex project you have been involved in. Briefly describe the project. Give examples of the following as they pertain to the project: the work breakdown structure tasks subtasks work package Were you on the critical … Read more

Marketing Workshop

   Marketing Workshop For this Marketing Workshop, please provide descriptions for the following: Brand Name: Brand logo (you can draw this by hand if you need and take a picture of it to insert) Brand logo color selection and why: Brand Slogan: Packing decision-how would you package your good. If it is a service, how … Read more

Analizar los datos cuantitativos de una encuesta

Proyecto para clase de conociendo al mercado y al consumidor. Analizar los datos cuantitativos de una encuesta, realizar graficos de cada pregunta, con intervalo de confianza y distribucin de frecuencias, histograma de frecuencias, etc. El proposito es ver si conviene o no lanzar un producto al mercado.

Marketing ressearch

  find research data where you can formulate a question that you base a market research on.  For example, if you research car washing data in your area (just a example please do not use this), you could find out what types of cars get washed more often, what color, what demographic washes their car more … Read more

need two responses to discussion questions both 250 words min with references APA format

In your own words, define organizational strategy. Explain the relationship between a businesss organizational strategy and its projects. Based on your budding understanding of project management, predict which elements of project management are most influenced by the businesss organizational strategy? Provide specific examples. Identify similarities and differences between action research and traditional research. Explain why businesses … Read more

BUS320 Diss 2

  After watching video case 1.1 below “The Importance of the Internet for E-commerce”, please choose to answer one of the first three questions from the 1st video: Question 1: What are some examples cited in the video as to how a customer might use the internet on a typical morning? Question 2: Why is … Read more

BUS320 Week 3 Diss

 Answer them provide references and number the questions with right answer  Question #1: What is a business model? How does it differ from a business plan? What are the eight key components of an effective business model? (hint: Figure 2.1 The Eight Key Elements of a Business Model, Table 2.3 Key Elements of a Business Model) … Read more

BUS320 week 3 Assignment 3

  Covid-19 pandemic has had a profoundly negative impact on the world economy. Millions of jobs has been lost, retail sales have declined, hospitality industry has stopped entertaining, just to name a few. However, on the other hand, e-commerce has been one of the few bright spots in the overall economy, with over-all e-commerce revenue … Read more

BUS320 Diss 4

 Select any one question and answer them about 200 words with proper citation  Question #1: What are five stages in consumer online purchase decision process (hint: Figure 6.1 Figure 6.2, Figure 6.10, Figure 6.11) What factors influence consumer buying behavior (hint: Figure 6.3) Question #2: If youre a manager of a startup company, you face a number … Read more