Unhappy Customer Post

  Watch the Unhappy Customer video found in the LEARN section this week.  What is the most important element of this case study specific to customer relationship management?  Was the customers reaction justified in this example? Provide a rationale for your answer. Has either a positive or negative customer service experience impacted your purchasing behavior?  … Read more


Identify the customer value proposition statement for a company or product.  Use the criteria presented in chapters 6 & 7 to evaluate the proposition.  What four chapter concepts are present in the statement? What chapter concepts are not addressed?  what would you do to improve the value proposition statement? The articles below may be helpful … Read more


You sent an e-mail out to the organization explaining a new policy.  This policy is a bit controversial and some employees do not agree with it.  You receive an e-mail from one of your managers bashing the idea and you.  As you review the e-mail closely, you realize that it was sent to you by … Read more

digital 1

  Think about companies creating hashtags to use in marketing campaigns about their product (i.e. idea, thing, service).  Does anyone actually “own” a hashtag? Can anyone control hashtag use? What is Hashtag Hickacking about, and how can it relate to social media marketing? How can companies plan for or respond to hashtag hijacking? Are posts … Read more


 What do you think about these examples? How does it relate back to what you’ve learned about in the Module?  https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/chick-fil-a-tiktok-menu-hack-video-fired-employee.html https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2020/1/20/21059143/tiktok-sephora-chipotle-panera-starbucks https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/kz4xv9/panera-worker-allegedly-fired-over-mac-and-cheese-related-tiktok https://medium.com/swlh/paneras-3-missed-brand-opportunities-ef88bacb1ea8  Using #DigitalPowerups     you must (1) identify each #DigitalPowerup used in your responses by using the appropriate bolded #hashtag AND you must (2) actually apply the powerup correctly based on … Read more

digital 3

 https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dirty%20Delete&fbclid=IwAR1Qur0JCWXDdQEk8t01NN0nIa11ZS8-qMo2t9mZpYUqqoDnFR6KHLaqcho https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-crisis-management/ https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-crisis-plan/ What does the term “Dirty Delete” mean and how is it relevant to social media marketers when they are trying to manage their online communities?  What are some best practices for managing a social media crisis?   Using #DigitalPowerups  you must (1) identify each #DigitalPowerup used in your responses by using the appropriate … Read more

social media

  Prepare your Initial Post Role Play the “Customer” Choose a company of your choice and pretend you are a customer (or hopeful future employee) for this company.  As a customer/future employee, you have a question and/or complaint for the company – what is it? What social media channel (owned by your chosen company) are … Read more

Peronsal SWOT Ananalysis – Fill the template attached

Introduction from Teacher: We just learned the value of a SWOT analysis in this module for businesses.  Business people completing the SWOT typically use a template to sort their thoughts and write down what they are analyzing.  They include their completed template right in their business plan.  Instructions – Your Academic SWOT Analysis: A SWOT … Read more

Personal Value Assessment (Online/TO)

My Goal is to work in marketing for the PGA tour  The purpose of this assignment is to assess personal value in light of professional goals. In  the same way that an organization performs with greater intention and  cohesiveness when its employees and stakeholders are all working with a  communal sense of purpose toward a … Read more


CLA2- Write APA style 4 pages Turnitin paper paper repetition rate under 17% Background: I am studying a MBA program and also I am working for internship at plastic surgery clinic as a graphic designer and marketing assistant in Arcadia, California, US. Because our doctor and most of the stuffs are original from China. So … Read more