TLMT603 Final

Please Follow directions or I will dispute!! Will be checked for plagiarism!! Assignent Transportation congestion is a problem within intermodal freight movement in the U.S. and around the world. In your final assignment create a PowerPoint Presentation of at least 10 slides using APA formatting answering the following: Describe the possible causes for freight movement … Read more


Please Follow directions or I will dispute!!! Please answer original forum with a minimum of 250 words and respond to both students separately with a minimum of 100 words each  Page 1 Original Forum with References  Page 2 Daniel response with references  Page 3 Thomas response with references  Original Forum  What is the environmental impact … Read more

Wk 1, ORG 535: DR 2

APA format 175-200 words Cite 1 reference Further the conversation to the following response:   Jose Rubio Colon 8:04 PM Hello everyone, Based on my work experience, my strongest competency is communication. I work for The Walt Disney Travel Company, currently on a assignment for Disney+, in the past my work was helping our guest … Read more

Operations management

Operations Management and Factors Affecting Productivity (100 points) Maduro Cleaning is a small organization that provides cleaning services to both residential and commercial clients. As a small organization, the owner assigns crews of two, three, or four employees to jobs each morning but the owner does not have a good method of determining a reasonable amount … Read more

Wk 1, ORG 535: DR 1

APA format 175 – 200 words Cite 1 reference Further the conversation to the following response   Jess Masem 10:14 AM I would believe Relationship Management is my strongest area. I am a Key Account Manager, and I build relationships with people in production, shipping, engineering, and finance. Having relationships with these folks helps me … Read more

BUS 638 W6 Final

******* Please utilize the information from the attached documents for the week 1 discussion 1 and week 1 assignment. The company being utilized is “Epic Ventures”. ******* You are the Managing Director of a U.S.-multinational corporation for a new product or service launch that will commence next week. Over the past six weeks, you have … Read more

week 2 802 (2)

   Go boldly case analysis your case analysis report should use APA page format (e.g. one-inch margins, 12-point type, and Times New Roman font). Please include double spacing between lines, a title page, and a page number at the bottom. The report must be a minimum of two pages in length (content does not include … Read more

week 2 802

   Discussion #1:  use search engines to explore the concepts of confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, and critical thinking. Go beyond definitions and discuss the implications of these concepts on YOUR ability to communicate. The course syllabus refers to Intrapersonal Communication and how knowing oneself is the foundation for effective leadership. Discussion #2 It is likely … Read more

week 2 801

   Discussion Post # 1: Uber Case Study: What would be your advice to Travis Kalanick and Uber about Uber’s direction for the future? Discussion Post # 2: The Perils and Pitfalls of Leading Change Case Study: Critique Oliveira’s approach on leading the turnaround process. What would you have done differently?