Week 4 Pro FIN4060

Course Project Tasks: Using the financial information gathered in Week 1, address the following questions: Identify two items or issues that cannot be derived from the financial statements of the two companies that you selected for your research. Explain why these items or issues would be of concern to investors and other stakeholders. In your … Read more

Week 2

YouTube Video Resources: The following video outlines the Dallas Fort-Worth (DFW) Airport strategic plan. In it, DFW explores how it will focus its resources on opportunity and change: In this lecture, Dr. Gui Lohmann discusses Strategic Airline and Airport Management as well as Airport Dynamic Strategic Planning: The following video demonstrates the progress that has … Read more

Operations Management Methods and Techniques

  Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Recommend operations management methods and techniques to increase value for customers Evaluate how operations management generates value for an organization Explain local, national, and global sustainability in relation to functional areas of business Scenario You work as the chief supply-chain officer … Read more

Research information needed.

Hello, I have an assignment due on 29 August 2021. The assignemtn is a powerpoint presentation however, I will just the the information to add to powerpoint. So I am asking for the research to be completed.  – Select three areas of the US Healthcare system that is experencing significant change.    1. Delivery of Care, … Read more

project management

i have attached the slides for reference it is a group work my part is to do budget breakdown , constraints and assumptions 4 pages  i have also attached text book  thanks  i have attached the project and what is it about  thanks 


  According to Palacio & Theis (2016), the single most important prerequisite program for food safety is the personal hygiene of the food and beverage handlers. Room service managers are challenged with ensuring the food safety of delivered meals. Concerns include ensuring appropriate food temperatures are maintained, not only concerning holding times, but transit times … Read more


  Cultural and Economic Issues in Nutrition Your posts should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the Discussion. For this Discussion, in at least 150 words, explain how culture and economics affect food choices. How does your culture affect your food choices? In response to your classmates, discuss ideas on how to work … Read more

How to Mitigate Risk

 Consider the from this modules resources. In your post, discuss how the company could have planned or reacted differently to reduce the risk associated with a globalized supply chain. What risk mitigation strategy would you recommend that might have prevented the incident?