Using Nike from the previous assessments, create an outline (an outline is not 5 bullets) in which you: Select and identify at least 5 marketing communication channels that could be used to reach sele

Using Nike from the previous assessments, create an outline (an outline is not 5 bullets) in which you: Select and identify at least 5 marketing communication channels that could be used to reach selected audiences that are fit for your selected business. These should include online (digital or social media) and traditional communication channels to convey key messages. Determine the advantages and disadvantages of each selection. You should present at … Read more

Develop a response to this question from Preparing for Tomorrow’s Workplace Skills in your text. Make certain you have answered all parts of the question completely. Use complete sentences in a paragr

Develop a response to this question from Preparing for Tomorrow’s Workplace Skills in your text. Make certain you have answered all parts of the question completely. Use complete sentences in a paragraph format, include at least one text citation from the chapters to support your insights, and be sure to proofread and check your spelling when complete. This … Read more

Force Field Analysis You will continue to use the organization chosen in Unit I- US Army. This unit’s assignment focuses on force field analysis. Section 4.8 on p. 76 of your textbook outlines the ste

Force Field Analysis You will continue to use the organization chosen in Unit I- US Army. This unit’s assignment focuses on force field analysis. Section 4.8 on p. 76 of your textbook outlines the steps in the force field analysis process. Using the steps and templates provided within Chapter 4, you will complete the analysis … Read more

Paper – Select a customer service related research topic that may apply to your discipline and to use for your final paper. Create an annotated bibliography. Please use APA format for the cover page,

Paper – Select a customer service related research topic that may apply to your discipline and to use for your final paper. Create an annotated bibliography. Please use APA format for the cover page, spacing, and citations. Organize your annotated bibliography alphabetically.  The annotated bibliography must include a minimum of 10 sources. Each annotation should … Read more

8-1 Discussion: Reflection and Packing List (50 Points) Congratulations as you have reached the final module of ENG 190! In this discussion, you will reflect on your research and writing throughout th

8-1 Discussion: Reflection and Packing List (50 Points) Congratulations as you have reached the final module of ENG 190! In this discussion, you will reflect on your research and writing throughout the course. Using the packing list as a guide, discuss areas of the research process that you can use in future writing situations. Discussing … Read more

You will write a 600 word essay-style submission. There are no deferrals nor extensions under any circumstances. If you don’t submit by the deadline, no grade is awarded for that submission. Reflecti

You will write a 600 word essay-style submission.  There are no deferrals nor extensions under any circumstances. If you don’t submit by the deadline, no grade is awarded for that submission. Reflection #2: In what important ways do you think the pandemic has changed workplace behaviour? Course: Introduction to Organizational Behavior Info:  Single-spaced, Between 550-600 words (no longer than 600 words … Read more

Organization Intervention: Diagnostic Plan Within Unit I, you chose a company that you either work for or with which you are familiar – US Army. For this assignment, please continue with that organiza

Organization Intervention: Diagnostic Plan Within Unit I, you chose a company that you either work for or with which you are familiar – US Army. For this assignment, please continue with that organization. Start by providing a summary of the organization and the areas of ineffectiveness that you believe exist within the structure. Secondly, outline … Read more

I provided you a template for Part B, to make your assignment easier to complete. You must cite your references in the content of the paper. Important: Information in tables can be single-spaced. The

I provided you a template for Part B, to make your assignment easier to complete. You must cite your references in the content of the paper. Important: Information in tables can be single-spaced. The rest of the assignment should be double-spaced. It is important to cite the references in the content of the information. A brief summary and a list of … Read more

Career Goals, Learning Strategies, and Time Management The elements below should be included in the essay. Include an APA-formatted title page (refer to the essay template).Include an introduction.

Career Goals, Learning Strategies, and Time Management  The elements below should be included in the essay. Include an APA-formatted title page (refer to the essay template). Include an introduction. The introduction to your paper should be one paragraph that states the overarching concept for your paper. The introduction is the first paragraph of the paper in … Read more

Consider that you found an online job posting for your dream job. Practice completing a résumé package that includes a cover letter, a résumé, and a professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,

Consider that you found an online job posting for your dream job. Practice completing a résumé package that includes a cover letter, a résumé, and a professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. This résumé package is designed to help you prepare for a future job search. Cover Letter The cover letter must be at … Read more