
This prompt is to simply answer the questions, reflect on what is said in first question by giving the best points available from each mini chapter below i will attach link to book and my last assignment so you can get a way of how to do it questions 2-5 are simply draw connections while … Read more

Two Different Discussions C P 4 – 5

First discussion is IRS publication. I will attach it below. Please read the IRS publication. Write a 300-350 word summary of your thoughts on the issues presented.  Please note anything contained in the guidelines that you find interesting. Second is discussion is Screenshot. Please answer all questions.


A manager has many tools available to analyze an organization’s financial condition, the four most common of which are the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flow, and ratios. Each tells a different story. For this discussion, you are the financial manager for LazyRiver Regional Hospital. You have been asked by senior leadership to … Read more


The Internet of Things allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration between the physical world and computer-based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy, and economic benefit. The IoT products and solutions in each of these markets have different characteristics: Manufacturing:By networking machinery, sensors, … Read more

Do Rock Musicians Wear Earplugs?

 Rock and Roll has a history with hearing loss, with artists like Ozzy Ozbourne, Eric Clapton, and Neil Young talking about permanent hearing loss sustained during decades of touring. The worst example comes from AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson who almost became deaf in 2016. Performing live for over 40 years, AC/DC is one the loudest, … Read more

Week 1 Report

Instructions Course Project  For this course, you will have a course project that includes the written assignments in Weeks 1, 3, and 5. The Week 3 and Week 5 assignments are considered major assignments, which combined are worth over half of the total course points. It will likely take you more than one week to complete the Week 3 and 5 major … Read more

Week 1 Discussion

The discussions each week are designed to (a) reinforce the research topics that you are reading about, (b) challenge you to explore the topics further, and (c) test your understanding of the concepts and their application within business research. Before beginning work on this weeks discussion post, review the following resources: From the bullet point … Read more

Workplace Bulk#3

I need a minimum of 200 words per question. 01.)    Reflect on your experience with writing rsums. Have you ever written a rsum or cover letter? What parts were challenging for you? What advice can you give to a friend who may be new to rsum-writing? 02.)    Identify a skill that you learned in Professionalism … Read more

Workplace Bulk#3a

Follow instructions clearly to meet all requirements.  I have attached a SWOT Template.   Cover Letter The cover letter must be at least a one-page (three-paragraph) memo that has been tailored to a specific job that interests you. Outline your cover letter using the following steps: an opening paragraph that describes the position you are … Read more

Workplace Bulk#3b

Read carefully must be at least eight slides in length. You will create a PowerPoint presentation describing ways to prepare for a job interview. Please address the following topics: Describe ways to prepare for an interview. List three different types of interview questions and tips for answering them. Describe ways to close the interview. Explain … Read more