Write an appropriate news release on one of the following newsworthy topics to be included on your company’s website: a. premiering a new product or service b. acquiring a smaller firm whose products

 Write an appropriate news release on one of the following newsworthy topics to be included on your company’s website: a. premiering a new product or service b. acquiring a smaller firm whose products and services are very different from those of your company c. providing an environmentally sensitive service that enhances life in the community … Read more

Read Case 6.1. McDonald’s and Buffalo Wild Wings: Comparing two restaurant chains on pages 6-64 through 6-64.  Respond to questions 1 through 5  Prepare your analysis of the company based on your re

Read Case 6.1. McDonald’s and Buffalo Wild Wings: Comparing two restaurant chainson pages 6-64 through 6-64. Respond to questions 1 through 5 Prepare your analysis of the company based on your responses to questions 1 through 5. Length of assignment – Each case study analysis should be a minimum of two pages inlength. The assignments … Read more

After reading the case “Bayer, Ethics, and the Anthrax Scare: Leveraging National Crisis for a Public Relations Bonanza” by Gringarten & Fernández-Calienes, pages 69-79, write a case study using t

After reading the case “Bayer, Ethics, and the Anthrax Scare: Leveraging National Crisis for a Public Relations Bonanza” by Gringarten & Fernández-Calienes, pages 69-79, write a case study using the Case Analysis Outline attached below. The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. The … Read more

VALUATION APPROACH ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Business valuation is a set of steps used to estimate what a business is worth. The process, however, is much less straightforward than the definiti

VALUATION APPROACH ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWBusiness valuation is a set of steps used to estimate what a business is worth. The process,however, is much less straightforward than the definition. Business valuation is the process ofplacing a reasonable market value on a going concern business or the value of a planned start-upcompany. There are different approaches to business … Read more

Please answer each question with at least 250 words in text citation and reverence with page numbers My dissertation’s revised problem space: enhancing employee well-being through flexible work arrang

Please answer each question with at least 250 words in text citation and reverence with page numbers My dissertation’s revised problem space: enhancing employee well-being through flexible work arrangements in the modern workplace. It is qualitative research. 1. A researcher is interested in exploring the experiences of international students who have recently moved to the … Read more

Mergers & Acquistions Discuss the provided questions/topics using the textbook and additional research. Your answers must include 3 sources plus Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings

Mergers & Acquistions Discuss the provided questions/topics using the textbook and additional research. Your answersmust include 3 sources plus Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings (Wiley Corporate F&A) 7th Edition,  1 biblical integration, and be in APA format, a title page and abstract are not required. Homework: History, Legal Framework, & Merger Strategy Assignment1. Discuss the Williams … Read more

Business Valuation Assignment length: 6 – 10 pages, double-spaced (excluding title page and references) in current APA format. Number of citations: At least 5 (in addition, Hitchner, J. (2017). Fina

Business Valuation Assignment length: 6 – 10 pages, double-spaced (excluding title page and references) incurrent APA format.  Number of citations: At least 5 (in addition, Hitchner, J. (2017). Financial valuation: Applications and models (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN 978-1-119-28660-8, which must be your primaryreferences).  Write a research paper that compares and contrasts the three main approachesused to … Read more

At least 750 words. Business Valuation Choose a publicly traded company that is NOT a financial institution, bank, insurance company, real estate company, or similar. The company you choose should b

At least 750 words with three sources. Business Valuation Choose a publicly traded company that is NOT a financial institution, bank, insurance company, real estate company, or similar. The company you choose should be one that you currently know very little about, and that you are pretty sure no one else in the class knows … Read more

Find a local business on Yelp that has a few negative reviews. Select one of them and map out what your strategy would be to interact with the dissatisfied customer, including both your initial contac

Find a local business on Yelp that has a few negative reviews. Select one of them and map out what your strategy would be to interact with the dissatisfied customer, including both your initial contact with the reviewer and a longer follow-up message.  Your assignment will be graded based upon the following criteria:  Locate a … Read more

Important Guidelines Your score will be determined using the Critical Legal Thinking Case Study Rubric. Please read this rubric thoroughly before attempting this assignment.Your score will be determin

Important Guidelines Your score will be determined using the Critical Legal Thinking Case Study Rubric. Please read this rubric thoroughly before attempting this assignment. Your score will be determined by the evaluation of your substantive content. Using IRAC (Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion) to structure and develop your answer is crucial. Your analysis and solutions must be … Read more