
  Within the Discussion Board area, write 400600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Discuss the following points regarding your expected research method: State your expected … Read more


I have uploaded the examples of the lab . The link is where you will go to complete the lab . After we have discussed a price I will sent out password for lab . Lab is to be COMLETED :  then you may COMPLETE THE LAB REPORT . EXAMPLES OF HOW THE ASSIGNMENT SHOULD … Read more

Format lab report

Hell  I am working on a chemistry report and need support. I already wrote the draft for the lab report I just wanted you to edit on the introduction ,disscuison and conclusion. I will share with you my draft to edit on it and I will provide for you the formal lab and what the … Read more

method development and validation, quality based design for cyclophosphamide using hplc

 Background information of your chosen topic  The reasons for selecting the two journal articles for discussion   Critical evaluation of the selected journal articles, in terms of the analytical methods  used (and alternatives that could be used), results and conclusion   Complete bibliographical details in Harvard format  total 15 slides with with out title and … Read more

Organic Chemistry II Lab

For this assignment, the target compound that you should synthesize is 1-methyl-4-nitro-benzene. This is an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Examine the product carefully and determine the substitution pattern. Which group will already be present in the substrate? Keep in mind the mechanism and how that will control the selectivity of the process. Remember, you can … Read more

Ionization constant for weak acids and bases

  1. what concentration of hydroxide ions exists in a 0.009 F solution of NH3 at 250C? 2. what is the hydronium-ion concentration of a 0.05 F HCN solution? 3.  If a monoprotic acid is 3.8% ionized in 0.2F solution, calculate its constant. What percent ionization of this acid in a 0.01F solution? 4.  What … Read more


this is a lab report and you will have to look to attachment 1 to see the table this table have broke down what you need to do in the lab report and how to write it. all the information need to be from the videos and what I provide you can’t use any information … Read more