Pharmacy Residency Letter of Intent

 What is the purpose of a Pharmacy Residency Letter of Intent?  A Letter of Intent is a one-page document that expresses your interest in completing a particular residency program. After reading your letter, a residency director understands:  Why you are pursuing residency  Why their specific residency program is a top choice  Your goals during residency … Read more

JNC Guidelines for Management of Hypertension.

   JNC Guidelines for Management of Hypertension. 1-According to The American Heart Association Evidence-Scoring System standardized by Class of Recommendation and Level of Evidence you need to present what are the recommendations for: a) Peripheral artery disease,  b) Diabetes Mellitus and  c) special groups (blacks, pregnant woman and older person) 2- Of the following antihypertensive … Read more

peps C

  Patient Introduction….(The 2 attached document are done by another student, its just an example for you to see how the prof wants it)…. Jackson Weber is a 5-year-old Caucasian male. He was diagnosed with generalized tonic-clonic seizures 2 years ago. Upon diagnosis, Jackson’s neurologist started him on oral phenobarbital. Jackson has been seizure-free until … Read more


  Changing to the use of female external catheter (purewick) from  indwelling catheter  to reduce UTI at the ICU COVID unit- ( you can pick any hospital).  (need to be in word format) with references. there have be an introduction, a body and conclusion. 


Describe medication administered including the generic and trade names, classification, and mechanism of action. Explain nursing considerations, assessments made prior to administering the medication. Discuss other pertinent nursing considerations you made to administer this medication. Discuss patient teaching needed with this mediation including adverse effects, precautions, how to store, administer etc. Here is a list … Read more


1.  .Watch this video and write half a page reflection 2. In clinical today you talk about infection control, write half a page of reflection on infection control . 3. there are 2 different ati temp attached

Critical Review 1

citations required, times new roman, 12 sized, double spaced  Short Report format 1. Title of the article 2. Introduction to the subject (proteins in pathogen) 3. Summary of the article  4. Critical review of the article  5. References 


You have been invited to assemble a task force to design a medication assistance program. You need to submit a proposal, regarding who you would invite, to the CEO. Consider the perspectives of prescribers, discharge planners, financial navigators, patients, suppliers, bookkeepers, and subsidizers. If you were to seek the input of 5-7 stakeholders, who would … Read more


 after a day of clinical , write a reflection on the following. half a page for each topic is fine.  1.Client Advocacy: Health Care disparity and Vulnerable population 2. Nursing Care of Aggregates in the Community  (FYI half a page for number 1 and half a page for  number 2) then filled the Ati tem

Nanotechnology & Biotechnology Medicine

 You are to develop an innovative project, which you perceive to be a viable and potentially profitable business idea, that identifies solutions/opportunities for personalized medicines using nanomedicines or biotechnology, based on issues experienced in pharma. As part of your opening pitch, you are required to specify the amount of money you require from potential investors.  … Read more