
  You will be pre-assigned as a team to one of the following Units: Unit Fourteen: Eye, Ear, and Skin Drugs; Unit Fifteen: Endocrine Drugs; Unit Seventeen: Reproductive and Gender-Related Drugs; Unit Eighteen: Emergency Drugs. This is a 4 week activity. You will stay in your team for each of the weeks that follow. Prepare … Read more

“El impacto del error de medicacin en los profesionales de enfermera”

 Dar lectura y analizar el siguiente artculo . Luego, realizar un listado con 10 aspectos importantes a considerar por el profesional de enfermera sobre los errores en la administracin de medicamentos y su impacto.    Escribir de forma clara, lgica      y concisa. La aportacin debe tener como      mnimo 150 palabras   Utilizar      derecho de autor.

leds presentation

  Choose 2 sentinel events cited in Box 23.5 on page 424 of your textbook, as an example to consider. What would you suggest to prevent a reoccurrence? Decide under what circumstances you would inform the patient and family and under what circumstances you would withhold the information.   Mini Presentation Grading Rubric – Score … Read more


Provide your answers to the following questions in a 2-page paper. Use APA Editorial Format for all citations and references used. What should the “culture and environment of safety” look like when preparing and administering medications? Discuss a common breach of medication administration. Identify three (3) factors that lead to errors in the documentation related … Read more


You will be pre-assigned as a team to one of the following Units: Unit Six: Mental and Behavioral Health Drugs; Unit Seven: Pain and Inflammation Management Drugs; Unit Eight: Antimicrobial Drugs; Unit Nine – Immunologic Drugs; Unit Ten: Antineoplastics and Biologic Response Modifiers. This is a 4-week activity. You will stay in your team for … Read more


. Hand-Off Reports ( Video Scenario )  What information should the nurse include when using the SBAR technique?  2. Teamwork and Collaboration ( Video Scenario )  What actions should the interprofessional team take to advocate effectively for this client? who have no history of chronic illness, he felt in the ice and facture his left … Read more


Benefits of staff training in an organization .  10 PowerPoint plus one empty PowerPoint where i will insert the name of his presentation team members. the power point should have pictures of nurses and Dr having a training and anything that you think will earn him credit  write less than half a page about benefit … Read more


      Levels of Prevention 1. Complete   active learning scenario on page 46   of ATI textbook and turn in the required active learning template  2. Turn   in a one page reflection of your learning for the day with a special focus on   the clinical objective(s) you attained. (FYI the clinical objective attained was Level of prevention.)


   1.Selective Functional Movement Screen Recap Instructions After you have completed the assessment, write a short journal entry about your experience with this activity.  Did you experience any pain? Were any of the motions difficult to complete? How did you feel after the exercise compared to before you began (comment on mood, perceived fitness level, … Read more