chemistry Lab

The main idea of the experiment is to observe that enthalpy change for a reaction is the same whether the reaction is carried out directly in 1 big step or in a few smaller steps added together.  When you get your results you’ll probably notice that adding 2 of the heats of reaction in  kJ/mol … Read more


CHEMISTRY HW HELP!  H+ concentration, M  Electrical potential, mV  0.1  284.2  0.01  244.7  0.001  199.2  1 x 10-4  157.6  1 x 10-5  134.0  1 x 10-6  120.5  1 x 10-7  115.4  Saline  158.2  1.) Calculate the pH of each of the H+ standards and fill in the chart below. Prepare a graph of the pH … Read more


CHEMISTRY HW HELP!  H+ concentration, M  Electrical potential, mV  0.1  284.2  0.01  244.7  0.001  199.2  1 x 10-4  157.6  1 x 10-5  134.0  1 x 10-6  120.5  1 x 10-7  115.4  Saline  158.2  1.) Calculate the pH of each of the H+ standards and fill in the chart below. Prepare a graph of the pH … Read more

Chemistry: Molarity and Dilution WEBASSIGN

  User will need to follow these steps to complete assignement: go to: In the upper  right hand corner, click the login button The username and password is as follows: USER: L45901         Password:X45901 User will then click on the first assignment titled :Molarity & amp; Dilution F17 All that is asked, is to complete … Read more


1)Complete the following reactions: CpFe(CO)2Me + SO2(l) CpMn(CO)3 + PhCCPh Mn2(CO)10 + Na/Hg followed by C2H5I W(CO)5(CPh2) + PH3=CH2 2)Briefly give the mechanism for the decomposition of Rh(C2H5)(PR3)2(CO). 3)Which compound would you expect to be more stable, [Rh(5-C5H5)2] or [Ru(5- C5H5)2]? Give a plausible explanation in terms of simple bonding concepts. 4)Predict reaction products for … Read more

High Energy Electrons in Cellular Respiration

  For students, one of the hardest concepts in biochemistry to grasp is the harvesting of electrons from glucose in cellular respiration.  Demonstrate how an instructor could create an assignment unique to this core content that specifically address two of the following four concepts: What is a high energy electron? What is an electron carrier … Read more


In this experiment, you will predict the three-dimensional geometry of a series of neutral molecules using the VSEPR theory. PROCEDURE Part 1: The Periodic Table 1. Use the Periodic Table of Elements to determine the elemental symbol, group number, and valence electrons for the elements listed in Table 1 on the Experiment 1 Data Sheet. … Read more

Term paper

 Write a paper (7 -10pages) where you articulate and discuss: 1- What you perceive to be the significance of what you learned in quantitative chemical analysis class and lab. Discuss: – How does it relate to real life and to you personally? – What is the take home message that you learned from this course? … Read more


After reading Chapter 4 (Unit 2) and viewing the video on strange sleeping disorders (, also accessible via the Discussion Articles/Videos link to the left of the screen and under Helpful Resources), respond to the following questions: –Of the ten disorders, identify the two that you find the most strange and/or interesting and explain your … Read more