Topographic Map Basics

 Using a ruler and the map scale (1:24,000), determine the actual distance in miles between the points listed below. (If you are looking at the map on a computer screen, you’ll need to determine the map scale for whatever magnification factor you are viewing it at. To determine this scale, simply take a ruler, and … Read more

need report done

 Find a recent news article (within the past 12 months) that describes the latest developments in a conflict, issue, or other major event in this the Southeast Asian realm. Provide a brief summary of the conflict/issue/event that your article describes, and your own analysis of how this issue might affect the realm, and might be … Read more

Geography map

What kind of information is portrayed on your map? Would it have been possible to show the same information on a Globe? Why or Why not? What is the map projection? List two other types of map projections different from the one on the map. What is the coordinate (geographic grid) system used in the … Read more


What is a system? Identify two earth systems or subsystems and explain why you consider them as open systems. Using an appropriate example, explain how a change in one of the systems or subsystems you have identified could negatively impact the other system or subsystem.  (250-300 words)

Food Resilience Plan for Arzaville [WLO: 2] [CLOs: 2, 3]

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 4 in your course textbook. Imagine that you are a resident of Arzaville, a community whose characteristics are described below. You have come together with your neighbors for a special meeting to devise a management plan for helping the community become more resilient and … Read more

Volcano Eruption Presentation

You need to create a presentation. There are five presentation topics you can see in the screenshots down below. I have already chosen the presentation topic i.e. “A Historic Volcano Eruption”. You have to make a presentation on that topic. Let me make a more simple for you. I have found the historic volcano eruption … Read more

geog 310

  Answer the following questions. If the answer isnt in the video or article, you should use your notes from class, including the lecture video, and outside sources, such as Wikipedia. Please cite all your sources using the citation method of your choice. I dont care which citation style you use, I just want to … Read more

Lab 08 Meandering River: Earth Science

  Read and follow the instruction on the attached Lab 08 Worksheet. Use Google Earth Pro to complete the assigned activities. Answer the questions and provided evidence that you completed the activities by creating a Lab Report using MS Word. Submit only one file, your lab report with clearly labeled answers and images with captions … Read more

Forum for Hazard Research Presentations

Every student needs to prepare and verbally present one hazard research report during the semester. The objective of this activity is for students to get to know one another personally, discuss science in a fun context, and earn science discussion credit. A Hazard Research Presentation is a 5+ minute presentation. It is okay to go … Read more