geography discussion

Instructions: Watch the video below, then turn to the group discussion and respond to any one of the 8 questions at the bottom following the guidelines provided.  Video Title: ” Inside Rios favelas, the city’s neglected neighborhoods.” 8 min. 59 sec. Aug 1, 2016 URL: Discussion rules: 1) You must first watch the video before … Read more

Homework – Geography

Hello and welcome! I am Comrs, and I was doing this job for a long time, and then I founded out this platform. You’ll may think that this what I was saying is just a lie, but please give me a chance. You’ll see that I’m not amateur. Thank oyu!


Find a map that displays a topic related to geostatistics and share it. Upload an image or screenshot of the map making sure to credit the author or creator. You may use a map from the internet, a book, an atlas, or another resource. Explain what the map shows and discuss the strengths and weaknesses … Read more

Geostatistics report

Please complete two separate reports, one for milestone 1 and the second for milestone 2 using the provided rubric, also the screenshots have been provided. Only the report is needed. The website can give you an understanding of the exercises. Please let me know if you have any questions. NOTE: Not all screenshots have to … Read more

Hazard Research Presentation

Every student needs to prepare and verbally present one hazard research report during the semester. The objective of this activity is for students to get to know one another personally, discuss science in a fun context, and earn science discussion credit. A Hazard Research Presentation is a 5+ minute presentation. It is okay to go over … Read more

Quiz 2

   Review  Chapter 8 of the textbook, and view the Ardipithecus videos linked on  page 119.  Then answer the following prompt:  Assuming that recent  interpretations of Ardi stand up to further scientific scrutiny, what  does Ardi tell us about the evolution of bipedalism?  How does Ardi  differ from the expectations scientists had about what the … Read more

World geography

Answer the following. Please answer and number accordingly. Each should be at least 250 words. Media sources must be cited. Can all be on same pages. Doesnt need cover page or anything just answers numbered. 1.Current Event related to The Sub-Saharan African Realm 2. Current Event related to The South Asian Realm 3. Current Event … Read more

Discussion Form Question

After you have viewed the lecture and completed your reading  please answer the question below. We suggest you write 160-200 words for your forum post. What similarities do you observe in the lives of the zabbaleen in urban Cairo and the Shipibo Indians of the Peruvian Amazon? What are the underlying causes of the respective crises faced by … Read more

Formal Graded Discussion #2

Discuss how saving other species, and the ecosystem services they provide can help save our own species and our cultures and economies. Remember to both cite your sources (at least 3) and add a bibliography at the end of your post. Do not upload files, post directly to the forum. See below for the attached … Read more