need a report done

First, choose a food item, cuisine, invention, or idea that interests you. Some will have more information available about them than others, so it’s worth doing some investigation before you settle on one. If you’re not sure if your desired topic is appropriate, please feel free to ask! Once you have selected your topic, you … Read more

Earth science news report 3

  Earth is in the news! This semester you are going to tune your eyes and ears to news stories specifically about the earth, natural disasters, climate, oceans, and space. That’s a lot. Skills: exploring the news & media for quality scientific news. Learn to connect out-of-class information to in-class information. Spark interest in quality … Read more

Cultural Geography

Weight: 2% of course grade Instructions Discuss some of the distinctive (cultural, economic, political, and/or physical) characteristics of your region. Provide an example of how one of the characteristics impacts you economically, socially, or culturally. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Geology Discussion 4

Since marble is found in the mountainous regions paralleling the east coast of the U.S., what is the origin of the parent rock, and what type(s) of metamorphism did the rock go through to create the marble?  Did faulting play a role in the metamorphism, or is the faulting a consequence of the metamorphism? Defend … Read more

Geology Field Trip 2

The draft should be 3-4 pages in length, formatted using APA style and use proper grammar follow rules of capitalization and punctuation. Thoroughly explore at least one course learning outcome and contain 2 academic sources. To Start: The location of interest I would select for exploring and research is that one of granite batholiths situated … Read more

Week 4-1 Discussion

For your initial post in the discussion topic, use one of the themes of geography as a means of explaining how and why North Africa is categorized regionally with Southwest Asia, separate from sub-Saharan Africa. You may feel free to pull in additional themes if you wish.

Discussion 3 Geology

Week Three An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks, Soils, and Weathering You are asked to go to your local garden center to find the best soil for your plants. There are many mixtures available. Which one would be best for your local area of Grayson County, Va? Would 100% Organic Soil make any difference? What other considerations … Read more

renewable energy research paper

   Select 2 articles. One article should be pro renewables, one against renewables. It is OK if one of the articles you choose is your own.  To begin writing your paper: Scroll down to the Research Paper link (under Course Work in our eCampus course). Click on the attached file: APA Template for GEOL 1403 … Read more

Volume expansion of the ocean

  Volume expansion of the Ocean 2. To begin to address  the effects of different inputs  into ocean volume, we have  to first gather some preliminary information: the volume of the ocean (V),  the surface area of the ocean (A), and the average depth of the ocean (D). V = 1332 million km3 A = … Read more

Critical Thinking Essay 2

Choose one of the following prompts to answer. Prompt 1 Your friend has just bought a house, and he is going to be putting in a new driveway. The town he is moving to is located 10 km from the coast and has a temperate climate. The house is at the top of a hill, … Read more