Week 8 discussion geology

Side Panel 8-1 Discussion: Climate Change in the News   Climate change is a hot topic and frequently appears in the newspapers and TV news programming. However, a large portion of what you read is heavily biased by politics. Using only reliable news sources and scientific journal articles, cautiously investigate the following topics for your … Read more

earth 310.1

Engage in easy conversation about geologic hazards to earn added science discussion credit! Students may earn participation credit for posting: (1) a mini report that provides an answer to a posted question, or (2) a mini report followed by a relevant geology question. This is an all-semester long project. Students may post anytime between 1 February … Read more

Land use executive summary

  You are the new health and safety associate director at a hazardous waste company. Your company aims to purchase land for a waste facility. To obtain state government approval for the land use you must submit an executive summary. Your summary must brief local businesses and government leaders on your proposed land purchase and … Read more

Discussion Form Question

MODULE 6 Discussion Forum In this module the topic is conservation and the social sciences. It should be apparent by now that as social scientists, anthropologists are going to examine conservation in terms of explicit and implicit cultural and social issues. Some take this mandate further than others. Kottak (1999) for example has argued that … Read more

geology 2

  Materials: Lab Manual – Lab 12 Lab Handout (available in the ) Instructions: Have the lab handout available to complete (either download and print or have an electronic version you can write on).  Put your name on the first page.  You will need to draw on this lab, not just type answers and choose … Read more


                                                             ALUMINIUM What is it? (A rock, a mineral, etc.) Where is it found geologically? (Near a volcano, from a petrified swamp, etc.) Where is it found geographically? (North America, northern Africa, the deep ocean, etc.) How do we get it? (Mining, fracking, drilling, etc.  Be specific about the techniques that are used!) What do we … Read more

6-1 Discussion Geology

For this discussion, you will be investigating water supplies in your area and any reported contamination issues. Step 1: Play investigative reporter and find out as much as you can about your local water supply. If you live in the United States, you can find information on the following websites: If you do not live … Read more


  Select a specific telecommunications law or regulation. Summarize the law/regulation and discuss at least one significant thing that came out of this particular law/regulation being passed. Aim for at least several paragraphs for your initial discussion post. Please try to avoid posting about a specific topic, if the topic has already been covered by … Read more


  Have the lab handout available to complete (either download and print or have an electronic version you can write on).  Put your name on the first page.  Read through Lab 9 and answer the questions on the lab handout as you go. Complete the lab quiz (next item in this module). Upload your completed … Read more

5-1 Discussion Geology

Think about the following scenario: If you were asked to describe the geologic history of a region that had not yet been explored, how would you proceed? What features would you look for in the rocks with regard to layering, rock types, geologic structures, and so on? What would these features tell you about the … Read more