This discussion is to help prepare you for the ITSP, Part 2 assignment.  The concepts being discussed here relate to risk management and business continuity planning from the business perspective.  In your ITSP Part 2 assignment you will discuss these topics from an IT perspective.  Provide a response to one of the following: Referring … Read more

Critical Thinking Essay 1

Prompt 1 Imagine that a specimen has gone through the following transitions along the timeline given: 5 million years ago: a sandy beach 3 million years ago: a piece of sandstone 1.5 million years ago: a piece of quartzite Today: a piece of granite Describe the processes that would have occurred to create each of … Read more

Anthropology short assignments

There are 3 assignments total attached which are very short like 200- 300 words questions and all the information will be attached  there will be total 3 pdfs for each question . first assignment  1. Using Muckle to scaffold your answer, describe and explain an element of Gitxaala governance. (Expectation: 3-5 sentences. Approximately 50-100 words. … Read more


  Discuss Declining Pollinators and Other Ecosystem Services Subscribe This week, you have learned about our living natural resources (biota), biogeochemical cycles and how our lifestyle choices have disrupted various ecosystem services, like pollination. For this discussion, please share your observations from the Xerces site you explored.  Using reliable external sites and/or information presented this … Read more

HW4: Rock Report

Learning Goals:  Describe an unfamiliar igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rock using terms learned in this class Resource: Submission: via Canvas Quiz (next page) Instructions: Complete the homework. You may talk among yourselves about different strategies, but you may NOT copy answers from other students (this won’t help you anyway since each student will be researching … Read more


  Imagine you have been hired as a consultant for the United Nations. You have been asked to write an analysis on how global population growth has caused the following problem and how it affects a developing country of your choosing: A growing global population that consumes natural resources is partially to blame for the … Read more

geo homework

  You have been hired to evaluate the volcanic hazards associated with a dormant volcano.  The volcano has no historically recorded eruptions, but is showing signs of stirring to life.  Assuming that future volcanic activity would be similar to the prehistoric eruptions, what information would you seek out in the field as a part of … Read more

Short paper

***In your own words no reference*** 1) Write a paper (at least 8 paragraphs including the introduction and conclusion paragraphs) that describes your plan for colonizing the moon.  A. The energy and resources required to colonize the moon  B. The energy produces by the colonization of the moon.  C. A time line for colonizing the … Read more