Any topic (writer’s choice)

“The contract by which he [workers] sold to the capitalist his labour-power proved, so to say, in black and white that he disposed of himself freely. The bargain concluded, it is discovered that he was no ‘free agent,’ that the time for which he is free to sell his labour-power is the time for which … Read more

MONEY, and economics

Are credit cards or debit cards money? Explain your answer. When the Fed makes an open market purchase of government securities, the quantity of money will eventually decrease by a fraction of the initial change in the monetary base. Is the previous statement correct or incorrect? Explain your answer. Monetary policy is action taken by … Read more

see instruction

There are many Supply and Demand issues happening in the world today unlike any we’ve ever seen before.  Write a  one page summary of what those issues are and how they will effect this year’s normally increased shopping and buying season for Thanksgiving and cultural holidays.  You may use outside sources.  (Quote them) Include reference … Read more


Since the 1980s America has embraced open, international trade. Has the average American worker and consumer benefited from this? Prior to the 1980s there were more than enough factory jobs available to everyone and you did not need a college degree to get one and buy a home and raise a family. However, most of … Read more


This question has to do with China and their exchange rate regime. China has a fixed rate regime and America and almost all of the developed world has a flexible exchange rate regime. Has a fixed rate regime been good for the Chinese economy and Chinese workers? Has their fixed rate regime been bad for … Read more


Q6 (Total marks 15, Words limit 300) A special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) is formed strictly to raise capital through an initial public offering (IPO) for acquiring an existing company. The fund raised by a SPAC is placed in an interest-bearing trust account.  The management team of a SPAC decides on which company to acquire, … Read more


Be sure to use references within the paper to support your answers. Why is there unemployment even when the economy is at full employment? What are some costs of unemployment?Is the CPI a biased measure of the inflation rate? Explain your answer.Explain how some government tax revenue and spending can depend on the state of … Read more

mask mandates in new york

This paper will require you to perform a cost/ benefit analysis on a particular public policy. You are asked to select a current policy intended to a problem in the market, to research it, and to write a 3 page paper that    (1)  introduces the public policy and which problem it is meant to solve    … Read more

Trade Barriers

There are many international agreements on the environment that are not part of the WTO, and some have been highly effective in addressing specific environmental problems. The Montreal Protocol, for example, has been effective at reducing CFC emissions, and the long-run trends are currently looking more hopeful for the ozone layer. Choose a specific agreement … Read more