Elaborate on the Malthusian economic theory emphasizing the graphical Principle of Population. (300 words)

Directions:Use Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins.Do not repeat the questions in your submission; just provided responses.Provide three (3) references in APA format.Use your own wording.Must be submitted as a word document (doc, docx) — Canvas will not accept other filetypes.Must be independently researched.Must be completely free of grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.One … Read more


1.      answer to the questions below: (Min 250 words) No quoting Answer based on knowledge of the topic What changes in the guaranteed-jobs program might be made to fit your moral sensibilities about governmental responsibilities? 2-    Make constructive comment on each Response below: (betw 100-125words each) Response 1In the recent years there … Read more

Suppose that you could choose to be born in any country in the world, and at any point in history. You cannot however choose your position in the income distribution of that country at that time. Where and when would you choose to be born and why?

One of the main jobs of an economist is to convey his or her ideas by writing analytical prose. This assignment aims at introducing you to good writing practice at the very beginning of your university career. The process of writing for a final essay should be similar to this example: https://voxeu.org/article/us-economy-performs-better-under-democratic-presidents-why Structure of the … Read more

Heterodox Economics Approaches to crime

(2) a specific reading that you disagree with.   In your criticism, you  must utilize at least 3 different  readings (not including the reading you are criticizing)  to provide evidence to bolster your argument. You should not need to use any external resources for this paper, although you may.  Avoid too much summarizing. The point … Read more

Auctions and Dynamic Pricing

Use the video on auctions and at least three academic or high-quality business publications (see acceptable types below) to compare and contrast English auctions and Dutch auctions, and sealed-bid first-price auctions and Vickery auctions.InstructionsAddress the following questions in 57 pages:1.    Compare and contrast how each of the following uncovers value:     English and Dutch auctions.    … Read more


Of the multiple hypotheses that are discussed in Module 2 reading, which one, in your opinion, has the most fallacy? Please cite the course text, overview video/audio and module article in your response. Also please respond to the post of a classmate. Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5zTMbXWaqA Read/Scan: https://www-jstor-org.msmc.idm.oclc.org/stable/2223283?seq=7#metadata_info_tab_contents

Trade, Poverty and Inequality in India

So the topic is about trade, poverty, and inequality in INDIA. It is important to recognize that this is for economic class, not sociology. Thus, it has to be written in an economic sense. The required word count is 2000, so writing about 650 words for trade, 650 words for poverty, and 650 words for … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s.  It started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s.  It was the longest and deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century.  What were the causes of the Great Depression?  What were the reasons a Great Depression … Read more


1.    1.      answer to the questions below: (Min 250 words) No quoting Answer based on knowledge of the topic If a country goes bankrupt and cannot pay its debts, which of its responsibilities should take precedence: paying bondholders or paying the pensions of its employees? 2-    Make constructive comment on each Response … Read more

Gasoline Impact(s)

To what extent does the price of gas impact market demand for hybrid and electric cars?  How would gasoline price impact your decision to purchase a car or truck?  What factors (economic and non-economic) would lead you to (or not to) purchase a hybrid or electric car?