Effects of Oil Prices to the United States Economy

Write about the effects of oil prices on the US Economy in terms of: 1) opportunity cost2) monetary policy3) aggregate demand4) full employment5) incorporate the COVID-19 pandemic Here are some sites to reference, you can also use your own as long as there are (3) references. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/09/business/oil-prices-us-economic-impact/index.html https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2020/article/from-the-barrel-to-the-pump.htm https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/oil-and-petroleum-products/prices-and-outlook.php

Macroeconomics report for USA

Answer the below questions: 1. USA GDP growth in constant prices in recent years and projections for 2019: first define real GDP and its growth, then analyze and illustrate graphically the growth trend and use relevant group or groups countries for comparison. What is your overall conclusion for the growth performance and prospects for the … Read more

Doughnut economy

Podcast:https://freakonomics.com/podcast/doughnut-economics/In the podcast, economist Kate Raworth introduces a new economic framework called the Doughnut model. She argues, the blind pursuit of economic growth leaves out too many people and puts too much strain on the planets resources, which runs counter to our understanding of traditional economic thinking. Imagine you are an economist and the President … Read more


In your responses, comment on at least two posts from your peers by providing examples from the news of oligopolistic markets. Compare and contrast with examples of monopolistic competitive markets. Replying to 2 discussions post a couple of paragraphs each for a response. 1. MarkAn oligopolistic market is where a small number of firms produce … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

An oligopoly is a market structure in which only a few sellers produce similar or identical products. Oligopolies are price-setters and can collude to behave like a monopolist.Address the following questions: What are the main features of an oligopolistic market?How do oligopolies set their prices?Explain how you can distinguish a firm in an oligopolistic market … Read more

Environmental problems of Easter island

Introduction: introduce the topic, where is the island, why is it important and the problem of Easter Island. 1st paragraph: Develop what did people see in Easter island when it was discovered.2nd paragraph: one possible cause of it being barren3rd paragraph: another cause that may have made the island barren.Conclusion: your ideas on why the … Read more

Cimate and Energy Modelling(economic)

Please check the attached screen shots(I need experts who are good at those calculations)Course outline, Overview of climate and energy modeling, Basic matrix algebra 2     2021-03-08 2021-03-14    Basic concepts of input-output table, techniques of input-output analysis Ronald Miller and Peter Blair, 2009, Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions (Global Value Chain (GVC) analysis, Multiregional input-output … Read more

Dynamism & Corporatism

Writing in 2010, Nobel Laureate in Economics, Edmund Phelps (on page 411 of the attached article) described the textbook capitalism of the 1911 Schumpeter and the 1930s Hayek as an opening-up process.  In so doing, he discussed the role textbook capitalism plays in allowing “economic dynamism” to thrive and argued this is one of the … Read more

please read these two papers and create 1 2-page summary and comparison. The following questions are meant to help you figure out where to start however, you are not limited to these questions so long as it is clear that you have read the paper! You may

please read these two papers and create 1 2-page summary and comparison. The following questions are meant to help you figure out where to start however, you are not limited to these questions so long as it is clear that you have read the paper! You may choose to include components that we have discussed … Read more

Economics micro and macro

Choose to respond to either Question 1 or Question 2 (1 from the Microeconomics module) AND then either Question 3 or Question 4 (1 from the Macroeconomics module) Up to minus 10 points for inadequate analysis, too vague of a response or not very relevant explanation. Up to minus 5 points for not addressing each … Read more