labor market discrimination

This is the example for:The context in the literature Tell us about 2-3 papers that are very closely relevant to your area of interest, or 2-3 groups of papers that can be described as taking related perspectives or generating related findings regarding your topic area/question (s) of interest. what I need is:Conclusions What have you … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a report that assesses how the Eurozone countries have so far been affected by thecoronavirus crisis. The report should include the following sections:Section 1. Eurozone macroeconomic situation Include charts with the following indicatorsduring 2010-2020:– Total Real GDP– Real GDP growth rate– Inflation rate– Unemployment rate– Trade Balance (Exports – Imports) Section 2. Effect of … Read more

The economic of the air cargo industry

I am looking for a research paper about the economics of the air cargo industry.  Here are the topics that I would like to cover in the paper. The paper will need to demonstrate a basic understanding of the economic principle as well as research and data to support it. 1. The performance of the … Read more

Global Economics Effect of Covid-19 Crisis

ResearchPaperGuide:ThetitlefortheresearchpaperisGlobal Economic Effects of Covid-19 crisis.ThepapershouldbewritteninAPAformatandhaveatleast10sourcesofreference.Thepapermusthaveaminimumof7pages(excludingthetitlepage,abstract,contentspageandreferencepage)andnotmorethan10pages.TheresearchpapermustbesubmittedintheproperdropboxinAssignmentstabasaPDFattachment.Thepapermusthavethefollowingsubheadings:a.Introductionb.CausesoftheCovid-19b. PandemicCrisisc.ComparisonofCovid-19c. Crisisand2008crisisd.PolicyresponsesinUnitedStatesFiscalandMonetarye.PolicyresponsesinEurope,Japan.China,GermanyandItalyd.EffectsonUnitedStateseconomyg.e. Effectsondevelopedandmajoreconomiesh.f.ImpactontheEnvironmentThefirststepinyoureconomicsresearchpaperisfindingmaterialfromsourcessuchasresearchjournals,books,andarticles.Highlightimportantpoints,writenotes,andparaphraseideasfromthesources.Startwritingyourroughdraftafteryouhavefinishedresearchingyourpaper.Youwillneedtouse8.5by11paperwith1marginsonallsides.Theeconomicsresearchpaperneedstobedoublespacedandtypedwith12-pointseriftypeface(TimesNewRomanorCourier).Ifyouhavefigures,youneedtolabelthemwith12-pointsansseriftypeface(ArialorHelvetica).Beginningwiththetitlepage,everypageofyoureconomicsresearchpapershouldbenumberedontheupperrightcorner.Donotnumberthepageswithartworkandfigures.Thenextstepinyoureconomicsresearchpaperistowriteyourroughdraft.TheorderofyourpapershouldbeTitle,Abstract,Introduction,Researchcontents,andReferences.Thetitleshouldbeonthetopofthepageandcentered.Thetitleshouldbetypedinsentencecase.Pressentertwice,andtypeyourfirstname,middleinitial,andlastname.IfyouarenamedJr.orIII,putaspacebetweenthelastnameandthesuffix.Forthenextnewlineofyoureconomicsresearchpaper,enterthenameofyourcollegeoruniversitywhereyouconductedresearch.Theabstractisthesummaryofyoureconomicsresearchpaper.Locatedonpagetwo,theabstractshouldbeatmost120words.Highlightthemostimportantdetailsofyoureconomicsresearchpaper.Abbreviationsandspecialtermsshouldbelabeled(exceptunitsofmeasurement).Theintroductionislistedonthethirdpage.Thepurposeoftheeconomicsresearchpaper,backgroundinformation,andgivedetailstothetopicsimportance.Yourthesisandsupportingstatementsshouldbementionedinthissection.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The project is to generate a sales forecast for a selected industry or multi-national firm using econometric methods. Sales data should be collected from available sources of Compustat, the Bloomberg system, or Statista. In addition, you must gather information on relevant measures of prices, income, advertising data, and other relevant (socio-economic) data to support the … Read more

The Fiscal Consequences of Privatized Healthcare

Can touch on any topic, the outline is just a guide for what I was planning. “Empirical-Theoretical Research PaperThis type of economic research paper answers a hypothesis or thesis question.It gives reasonable assumptions about what will happen.It does research, collects data, and answers the hypothesis with the information collected.It determines if the reasonable assumptions can … Read more

Austrian Political Economy

a.    Completed Research Paper: with no header. b.    Paper Outline (Eight parts) 1.    Introduction to paper (1 pp. 300 words) 2.    Description/Explanation of Austrian Political Economy (PE) (3-5 pp. 1,000 1,500 words). Must reference five non-Wikipedia-esque sources. 3.    Assessment of the book, The Rise and Decline of Nations from the perspective of Austrian Political Economy … Read more

7-2 Simulation Discussion: Second Run of Econland

NOTE THAT A CUSTOM RUBRIC IS USED FOR THIS DISCUSSION. For this discussion, play your second run of the Macroeconomics Simulation: Econland (from Harvard Business Review), in which you act as a the chief economic policy advisor for the fictional country of Econland. Select either the Rollercoaster or Stagnation scenario option. You may play the … Read more


A) Your final paper is worth 160 pointsB) Length: 10-15 pages – including references, tables, graphs, etc. C) You must use academic journals (see slides #8 to #28). Your final paper must include at least 3 scholarly articles. And you can add any other source as books, articles from The Economist, etc. D) Suggested structure:1) … Read more

Economic Development

For the project,  you should read Chapter 19 and then write a short Chapter Summary, I ll post a chapter survey in 2 days or so  just so you can check if nothing is missing. Cover page and references should not be counted as words or pages