Written Assignment 2

This assignment will be like your first written assignment in that I am not looking for you to do research on the topic – I am interested in your personal views and experiences. This time, however, we will look at an issue within Social Choice. One of the most common forms of governments today is … Read more

Economics Individual Essay

The Qatari government is becoming concerned that Qatari national income has come to rely too heavily on the revenue received from the export of Qatari petroleum-based products. Consequently, the government has asked you, as its Chief Economic Advisor, to write an argument for and against Qatari reliance on petroleum-based exports and, importantly, to provide your … Read more


For this assignment you will summarize an economics research article about your final Big Topic paper.  This summary can be a very useful resource for you at the end of the semester; write the summary with the information you want to put in your final paper, so you won’t have to re-read the original article … Read more


Prepare a project report on how you would raise fund to establish an Islamic microfinance project in a poor Muslim country of your choice and how you would screen the projects. You should focus on the following points in your project:  (i)    Discuss three theories for fund raising and explore some Islamic avenues from the … Read more

Economic History

Hello, thank you very much for your help! I have attached below all the appropriate documents and the brief of the essay. Please pick question number 3: “Why did so many countries leave the international gold standard in the 1930s? Explain the different reasons countries had for breaking the link to gold.” It is mandatory … Read more

Explain the Federal Reserve Banks response to the Great Recession. Did it work?

Develop and clearly define their ideas through writing.    Ethically integrate sources of various kinds into their writing.    Compose texts through drafting, revising, and completing a finished product.    Express themselves through their writing by posing questions, making original claims, and coherently structuring complex ideas.    Revise their writing for greater cogency and clarity.  … Read more

you should be able to come up with and enter into discussions about this topic. Feel free to combine the current topic with your learnings from previous parts of the course. Example: How does traditional family formations that you are familiar with, or e

you should be able to come up with and enter into discussions about this topic. Feel free to combine the current topic with your learnings from previous parts of the course. Example: How does traditional family formations that you are familiar with, or employment opportunities and norms on treatment of female employees affect agency?  Make … Read more

Trading places essay

Trading Places Essay AssignmentMr. DLugo:  Economics, Spring 2021 Overview:  Section 5 of Chapter 3 in the TCI Economics Alive! digital textbook discusses 7 key characteristics of the US economic systemYour job in this essay is to pick three of these characteristics and compare what the TCI Economics Alive! digital textbook says about how they are … Read more

6-2 Simulation Discussion: Fiscal Policy

6-2 Simulation Discussion: Fiscal PolicyDiscussion TopicTask: Reply to this topicStarts Apr 3, 2021 11:59 PM NOTE THAT A CUSTOM RUBRIC IS USED FOR THIS DISCUSSION. Fiscal policies are used by the government to stabilize the economy. During the 2020 emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. government approved a stimulus package that increased the … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the documentary (2nd Episode of Commanding Heights) and answering a question below (3 – 4 paragraphs in length). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2Ks3_O1i74 1. What did this episode teach you about the discipline of economics or about economies in general? Please clarify with details from the episode. Are there any topics related to economics that peaked your interest … Read more