Credible Economists

Some politicians, labor unions, and special interest groups argue that US trade deficits are harmful to the economy and nations that run large trade surpluses with the US are benefiting from unfair trade practices and agreements. These parties support increasing tariffs on imports, elimination, or re-writing of trade agreements. Respond to the following in a … Read more


To read the Porter article and then to answer one question: Michael Porter has formulated a hypothesis addressing environmental compliance and how businesses may voluntarily respond to solve negative externality situations. Please read the article written by Porter outlining the hypothesis. Then, please view the TED talk The question to answer: What may be an … Read more


The assignment is to make a script of a report/summary on a recent economic highlight on a recent news. I can give you examples of the format and how to go about the task. It is basically going to be a presentation that Im doing, but I just want you to write the script of … Read more

US activities since the Last REE Crisis

The US activities since the last REE (Rare-Earth Element) crisis (see attached file) needs to be re-done. I repeat: IT NEEDS TO BE RE-DONE! There are lots of current articles on this topic on the internet and the paper needs to be brought current and provide insight into what activities are being executed in the … Read more

A recent speech by the number two person at the BoC

    The purpose of this exercise is to apply the relevant principles, ideas, and concepts covered in this course to the analysis of a real world event or issue.    You are required to write a short paper that has 3-4 pages written text (excluding the cover page & the page with your sources) based on … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Interview ScriptContinue with the industry you selected in Unit II for this assignment. For this Unit VII Assignment, write a script for a radio/television show as if you were interviewing an expert concerning topics discussed in this unit.Include input from both the interviewer and interviewee standpoint. What questions would you ask as the interviewer? What … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this Unit VI Assignment, continue with the industry you selected in Unit II.The annual association meeting of your selected industry will take place soon. You have been asked to present a report regarding the current status of the federal budget and fiscal policies in place in the United States. For your presentation, write a … Read more

Economics: price floors and surpluses

Macroeconomics  Requirements:Choose any topic dealing with economics that currently interest you.  Choose a topic that is either current or was of interest in the past.  Relate this topic to what we have studied inclass and explain how that topic follows the principles of what has been studied.The topic needs to be approved by me before … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

this assignment is to write an Op-Ed first draft. The maximum number of words is 700. Please do not write too well for this draft, after this assignment, there will be another task for us to edit the draft and resubmit. Please see more details in the attached PDF.

Find an economic tie-in from the current pandemic. In other words, a real world example of something you have learned about in macroeconomics!

Assignment: Find an economic tie-in from the current pandemic. In other words, a real world example of something you have learned about in macroeconomics! Then write a two to three-page, double spaced essay, that explains the example using macroeconomics. You can use any of the information that you have learned already or anything in your … Read more