keynesian model

Students are required to write a short paper (3 to 4 pages) summarizing an economic article (of their choice) on a topic related to those covered in class (fiscal policy, monetary policy, business cycle fluctuations,).  The goal of the assignment is to read the paper and try to understand its (research) question and its conclusion … Read more

The lack of women in positions of power

Provide enough information to brainstorm ideas and lead discussion.a.    A one-page summary of your topic (this should include why you care).b.    several discussion prompts or questions, to lead a 10-15 minute discussion with your colleagues. c.    Include any links or citations you used for your summary.


Select a recent (within the last 6 months or so) article that describes or can be related to one of the topics covered in microeconomics (such as supply and demand, elasticity, externalities, ext..). Choose an article of sufficient length and depth of topic to support a review. The article may be from a newspaper, an … Read more

RE: Discussion #5

Fiscal Policy is another way to affect (or influence) the economy.  Functional finance proposes that governments should make spending and taxing decisions based on their effect on the economy (not on any other basis).  Give an example of a fiscal policy and the intended goal of the policy.  Do you agree that the government(s) should … Read more

Presidential Budget

According to the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, the President must annually submit a budget to Congress by the first Monday in February. The proposed spending plan must show: the condition of the treasury at the end of the last completed fiscal year;the estimated condition of the treasury at the end of the current … Read more

How would the education sector change if governments were no longer involved?

Topic: How would the education sector change if governments were no longer involved? Conclusion/main thesis: how would the quantity of education provided and quality change. 1. provide at least three economic models to explain(at least two graphs, and better with calculation)potential options: (i) externality, the relationship between social benefit and private benefit, spillover effect.(ii) competition … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Income and Wealth Inequality: Does Capitalism Work for Everyone? ==================================================== Purpose: Understanding the growing gap in income and wealth in the USA and other countries, its economic causes and effects. Task:  Use assigned resources and find your own to answer questions about inequality, and prepare for discussion. Criteria for success:  Follow directions, answer questions, and … Read more

This essay should answer “What are the channels through which the Internet could impact international trade?” and be two pages (not including the reference list). It ought to be written in plain English without any equations, symbols, or tables. Use the A

This essay should answer “What are the channels through which the Internet could impact international trade?” and be two pages (not including the reference list). It ought to be written in plain English without any equations, symbols, or tables.Use the APA citation style and check that all the papers cited are in the reference list, … Read more

islamic banking and finance

I just need an introduction to OPERATIONAL RISK  in islamic banks between Pakistan & Bangladesh. the introduction needs to be thorough and cover the areas of operational risk in islamic banking. Since operational risk has a huge classification due to the nature of this risk, it’s easy to get lost. I would recommend sticking to … Read more