Any topic (writer’s choice)

Here are the original directions: This one is going to be on paper. There is no good computer substitute for being able to draw a graph and use it to effectively understand and communicate complex concepts. Print the attached file on paper (2 pages)Use pens or pencil (colored pens look best!) to draw graphs on … Read more

International Trade Summary

Consider the following: Tariffs are paid by the citizens of the country imposing tariffs, not by the citizens of the country producing the products upon which the tariffs are levied.The term trade deficits is a misnomer. Every countrys trade is always in balance.Trade deficits do not mean the US no longer produces anything to export. … Read more

Government Intervention Analysis

Analyze 1 of the following government intervention programs: Countercyclical fiscal policies (countering economic disruptions such as the housing bubble and the Great Recession)US agriculture support programsAssistance for Low Income Families (choose 1)Housing vouchersEarned Income Tax Credit (including Child Tax Credit)Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)Low income healthcare (choose 1)Medicaid (including Children’s Health Insurance Program).Affordable Care Act … Read more


After the reading the Issues & Applications in your etext: Interpreting Employment Data as the Gig Economy Grows and researching online how Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment insurance are more specifically funded, please answer the following questions: Why might the U.S. government, which funds Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment insurance programs by taxing wages, desire … Read more


After watching the video clip from A Knights Tale, consider the effect of choosing consumption today versus consumption in the future. Using the PPC as a springboard for your analysis, what effect would forgoing consumption today in order to invest for tomorrow have on future production possibilities? Now consider the choices our government faces when … Read more


Find a peer-reviewed academic publication/article** that speaks to your final paper topic, read it, and submit a summarized outline of it (you may not use an assigned reading for the course).  Your outline should be between 1-2 pages in length, and should contain the following elements: A full bibliographic entry for the article (I don’t … Read more

Dealing with risk and uncertainty

Hello, mwadeki. I am working on a case study and I’m trying to figure out how Atrium Health is dealing with Risk and uncertainty in the last six months. Would dealing with risk be a form of dealing with the Covid- 19 Pandemic. I need help with this case study, thank you

any topic

After independence, a stated goal of Indias economic policy was to end poverty and hunger.  Yet very little was, in fact, accomplished.  Bardhan in The Political Economy of Development in India attributes some of this failure to the pressure of three elite classes for resources.  Kohli calls India a fragmented multi-class state. Based on the … Read more

history of air transport agreements

This week’s reading assignment is Chapter 7 in your textbook, which covers the history of air transport agreements; freedoms of air transportation; open skies agreements; and global airline strategic alliances. After reading this chapter, you will write a paper that answers the following prompt: In what ways have 1) Australia, 2) China, 3) the U.K. … Read more