Week 9 Assignment – Organizational Change

This assignment will focus on organizational change and the challenges associated with change. For this assignment you are speaking to an audience and must create a PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following questions:  Discuss the positives and negatives of organizational change.  Discuss approaches managers should use with employees to get them to embrace change. Your … Read more

Week 9 Assignment – Professional Experience: Promotional Message

Instructions Choose the application you want to use to develop your promotional message (Word, PowerPoint, etc.). Your message should take the form of a block letter, e-mail, flyer, poster, or similar and not just be a paragraph on a page with no context. Create your message and be sure to follow this file naming convention when … Read more

Week 9 eng discussion

“Professional Networking”  Answer both of the following topics listed below (1 and 2) with an original post of 5-7 sentences    Try to post early in the week and reply to at least one classmate’s post with thoughtful details.   **Each weekly discussion is worth 30 points. Take your time and give us as much insight and detail as you … Read more

Safety Programing

I have an assignment reading and answering 5 out of 8 questions. There are three articles need to be read and answers one question at least from each article and the lat 2 questions can be from any of the three articles. I WANT ONLY NEW ANSWERS AN NO ONE HAVE DONE FOR OTHER PERSON … Read more

8013 assignment wk1 mod 2

   Your first task as a doctoral researcher is to begin a search for your research problem. Consider your passion. What do you care about? What problem in your educational specialization interests you the most? Try to express this in a single sentence that begins with the words, The problem is This can be your … Read more

506 objective

  Read article: Developing Instructional Objectives Follow Up: #4 Develop 6 instructional objectives. You will develop more than six before you get it right. Practice makes perfect!  # 5. Label all the parts of the instructional objectives as shown in the article. Each objective should contain all parts.


   Theory is a natural extension of the philosophy of science, and a theoretical framework(s) will typically underpin most research studies. As you evaluate research, and consider your own research topic, you will find that “philosophy, theory, and method are interrelated and fit together like pieces in a puzzle . . . One’s philosophical perspectives … Read more

The Kind of Behavior I Will Promote and the Rules That Support It

  250 250 words per bullet point What behaviors, generally speaking, will I promote in my classes? What specific rules (5 10) will I use to guide student behavior? What procedures (routines) do I want to use to manage the complexity of the school day? State the situation and then how students will complete this … Read more

Unit 3 Discussion

   Discussion 1 According to Morrish, the blame for the ever-growing problem of discipline in schools rests at least in part on popular discipline theories, which he believes have gone to excess in allowing students to make choices concerning how they will conduct themselves in school. What are your thoughts about Morrishs ideas? Discussion 2 … Read more

Inductive Arguments

   https://ashford.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/Inductive%2BReasoning%2BChris%2BFoster/0_l54wwfm0 https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fashford.mediaspace.kaltura.com%2Fmedia%2FPHI103%2B%257C%2B%2BInference%2Bto%2Bthe%2BBest%2BExplanation%2F1_x05mtz6j&data=04%7C01%7CJustine.Litchfield%40zovio.com%7C3a75b13963584a9410ba08d8c70f5ac6%7Cb460013b012d43a9a3e9da74877079e9%7C0%7C0%7C637478216042057958%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=VrLap8IGnu%2BbREIrxsk%2Fw7Zpute9h7OEvZ5bn2OEVh4%3D&reserved=0