perspectives around languages,

materials assigned   In this module we are furthering our understanding of how perspectives around languages, language instruction. For this module I would like you to complete the following: 1) Read chapter two in the text by Garca, Johnson, & Seltzer, 2) listen to the short powerpoint presentation, 3)  watch and listen to the video Translanguaging … Read more

Concept of healthcare organizations due 02.03.2021

Assignment Details Communication with a patient can be difficult at times, especially when you are new to healthcare. For this assignment, you will need to write a professional e-mail to a patient regarding his complaint. Please use the 7 Cs of communication as a foundation for your reply. Please write your e-mail in a Word … Read more

The Multidisciplinary Team and Parental Participation in the Assessment Process

 Instructions:Using support from the required readings, the Instructor Guidance, supplemental information derived from the discussions and outside sources, and information from the scenario described below you will write a three page journal reflecting on various aspects of your journey so far. Scenario: You have come to the point in the process where Manuel’s Individualized Education … Read more

Module 04 Written Assignment – Peer Mentoring Session

 Module 04 Written Assignment – Peer Mentoring SessionCompetencyDetermine ethical, developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate assessment practices to promote positive outcomes for each child.ScenarioYou are a peer mentor in your program. You are reviewing the observation of Timmy that was recorded by your co-teacher to evaluate and determine ethical, developmental, culturally, and linguistically appropriate assessment practices. … Read more


  Cada estudiante traer a clase un tema social debatible. Este buscara informacin y realizara durante 15 minutos su argumento si est a Favor o en Contra.  el tema que deves devatir es:    A.El trfico humano


Discussion #2: Identify and describe a current, past, or future policy changes for an organization. For example, recently some school districts are being required to adjust their policies on alignment of technology and school improvement. This can be a very controversial topic in many communities. Even when required by law, some communities refuse to address … Read more

Inclusive Practices for the Developmentally Appropriate Pre-K Classroom Option 1: Instructional Plan

 Provide a detailed instructional plan for one of the students described below, including accommodations, modifications, referrals for additional services, if necessary, and resources for the family.  Child A: Sam is a 4-year old student with Autism. He has a significant language delay, mostly using sounds and gestures to get his needs heard. Because of his … Read more

Write a 2 page summary on the video/article. Please watch this video and read the article  on video (1 1/2 min long) – The video is cranking teaching strategies up to  awesome  on you tube and the article is guiding students to be independent learners. — Guiding Students to Be Independent Learners Three strategies for helping students become self-motivating and take … Read more


hi is anyone able to do my ethics form for my dissertation please. i need 500 words of the background FA England, 500 words of the issue in the BAME under-rep, 500 words on the sport England coaching oparticipation. i also need 500 ewords on institutional racism in football BAME.  i need to use the … Read more