week 7

 Hide Folder Information TurnitinThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.Instructions This week, you will prepare a single learning activity to support one of the learning objectives you wrote in Week 5. You need to integrate your professors feedback from Week 5 on your learning goal, outcome, and objectives, so watch for that feedback to appear … Read more

Assignment 8

 This journal assignment is designed to showcase your understanding of the why leaders often fail to be effective communicators and, therefore, effective leaders for their companies. In this assignment, describe ineffective ways leaders try to gain an employee’s attention and explain why they do not work. What are the effects of this on organizational culture … Read more

week 3

 Week 3 Assignment – Professional Experience: FAQ Answer Overview The Professional Experience assignments are designed to help prepare you for communicating in a professional work setting. To earn credit, make sure you complete all elements and follow the instructions exactly as written. This is a pass/fail assignment, so no partial credit is possible. Assignments that … Read more

week 3 discussion

 How you do anything is how you do everything. T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Game of Inner Wealth (1) Business communication relies equally on format (how you communicate) and content (what you say). Please respond to the following: Find a quality resource that discusses the importance of format or find … Read more

Research paper urgent

Research Project Draft #1 Goal To put into practice the communication and media research concepts learned throughout the term. Task Write a 6-page manuscript outlining a research project to study a communication or media-related topic. Use APA style. The final manuscript must include the following sections: Title page Introduction (1/2 page) Literature review (1-2 pages) Research … Read more

Discussion 7

Can you be an effective communicator and leader if you are constantly hitting refresh in your email inbox? Some of the most effective leaders are those who are never at their desk, but in the trenches with their employees. While they believe email can be an effective tool, they feel that face-to-face communication with their … Read more

Module 2- Exploring Culture

Culture is a term which encompasses language religion, education, and communication. As businesses expand beyond American borders, how can Human Resource departments prepare their employees to address cultural conflict and culture shock as a means to increase the likelihood of a successful integration? 

Lipids and Protein Assigment

  Describe the healthy meal that you have created from the fast food restaurant using the nutritional value of menu items.   Name the restaurant and then write a nutritional analysis of the  meal you have created. (Explain all of the nutrients found in the meal,  like carbs, protein, fat, and some essential vitamins and … Read more

Literature review

  Students will conduct a literature review the therapeutic intervention strategies available in early childhood intervention that target young children with developmental disabilities. Students will select 3 of the interventions listed below and provide a describe of the target population for each, treatment procedures/ intervention strategies, challenges, strengths, affiliated professional organizations, level of training required … Read more

Week 6 Discussion Questions

  I need you to answer both questions- SEPERATELY  THESE ARE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS NOT PAPERS make sure you READ the question and answer correctly! the professor is very very particular.  BOTH QUESTIONS NEED REFERENCES AND CITATIONS   Topic 6 DQ 1 Discuss the portrayal of race, gender, and class in a comedy or romantic comedy … Read more