solar cells

1)A thick slab of p-type Si (many times thicker than the diffusion length Ln ) with 0.52 cm bulk resistivity is illuminated. For a uniform generation profile in the slab of 10 19 electron-hole pairs/(cm 3 s), if the minority carrier lifetime is 500 s, and the surface recombination velocity is 200 cm/s, calculate the … Read more

system verilog Create a test plan and self-checking test-bench for the ALU

   1. Reset which resets C to 0. 2. 4-bit signed inputs, A and B 3. 5-bit registered signed output C 4. 4 op-codes a) add b) sub c) bitwise invert input A  d) reduction OR input B 5. Assume the following encoding of the opcodes.    Opcode                               Encoding add                                          2b00 sub                                           2b01 bitwise invert … Read more


  Investigate at least two companies you are interested in working at after graduation or two graduate schools you wish to attend. Summarize what you learned about these opportunities in approximately 200-300 words. the two companies I am interested in working in is (Microsoft & Texas Instruments)

Widget Sale Company Project Phase 2

  Project Overview You have been retained by Widget Sales Company (for more information, see ), an international company with offices in 25 countries, to develop a website that will allow its employees to enter travel expenses incurred on a business trip and store that data for reporting purposes. It is estimated that, initially, only … Read more


MATLAB Project 1 1. In this problem, you will use MATLAB to generate and plot the discrete-time signal [n] and unit step function u[n]. MATLAB provides two built-in functions that will be useful. The call zeros(m,n) returns an array of zeros with m rows and n columns. Similarly, ones(m,n) returns an m narray of ones.  … Read more


  The input and output variable relationship of a signal flow graph is given by Mason’s Gain Formula. For the determination of the overall system, the gain of the system is given by:  

Research Question

 Topic to Research: Techniques of studying      Resources:  – Book (write the title and author of the book) – URL link (internet sources) – Article in a journal or newspaper (present the link if it is an online journal/newspaper or a picture for a physical newspaper/journal)

MATLAB project

   Assignment:  Task 1.  Proportional compensation  Assume GSC (s) is a proportional (P) controller, i.e., GSC (s) = KP. (a) Find the closed-loop system transfer function and determine the range of KP > 0 for   stability.  (b) For the uncompensated closed-loop system (i.e., with KP = KP1 = 1):  Simulate and plot the system unit-step … Read more


  Work Experience Tutored students in all subject areas in which they required assistance. Used a variety of teaching methods depending on individual learning style. Provided video tutoring using online platform to students. Assisted with test preparation homework help study skills and improved note taking. Helped students master material content. Achievements Good understanding of all … Read more