Writing assignment 7

This writing assignment allows you to apply readings and classroom discussions to your own life, which, for this class, is essential. Communication in theory is important, but applied communication can help you make real changes for yourself and those around you. The Assignment: Watch the provided video about the Five Love Languages, take the Five … Read more

Journal Entry 6

  Choose a work of art from your reading each week and complete an art critique.  For each entry, you should have 4 distinct sections with at least 5 sentences per section for a total of at least 20 sentences. 

TRSS Final

Part I: Transportation & Corona Virus Pandemic [40pts] Please review the assignment rubric posted in Canvas. As we all know life has changed drastically due to COVID-19. The transportation industry has also been drastically affected. From travel-based industries such as airlines and the cruise industry, COVID-19 has threatened their very livelihood. Other industries such as … Read more

engineering ethics paper

 You need to write 2-3 pages about engineering ethics in Florida University Bridge Collapse in 2018. We need to follow the rubrics in the same order and details from introduction tot the end. Write an engineering ethics IEEE ethics failed in the collapse and a reference paper too. Include at least 3 references 

Journal Entry 5

IntroductionFor each module you will complete one entry in this journal.  Each entry will be worth 50 points each.  Choose a work of art from your reading each week and complete an art critique.   The Assignment Respond to the following journal entry topic in the Journals area located under the Tools Menu: This assignment fulfills/supports … Read more

English Writing assignment 4

You will explore the differences between fact and opinion and discover how opinions often shape the way arguments are made. You will read Social Media: Friend or Foe? by Kara Woodridge.  The videos provides support features to assist you such as an audio version of the reading. After the reading activities, the video narrators will … Read more

Art Appreciation DB5

  We have learned about two dimensional technique of printmaking, and drawing and painting.  In this discussion board we will contrast these three techniques. Please choose a drawing, print or painting from the chapters we have covered so far to make your observations about and consider the following questions: What are some of the ways the drawing, painting … Read more

discussion board 6

Based upon the videos you watched, your personal experiences, and current events, do you think that friendship today is more or less important to our society than ever? Explain why? Your post must be 100 – 150 words and include at least two paragraphs of writing.   YouTube Video 1. Friendship in the Age of Facebook: Rory Varrato … Read more

SystemVerilog RTL model for 4-bit Johnson Counter

Develop SystemVerilog RTL model for 4-bit Johnson Counter and perform following mentioned : Synthesize Johnson counter Run simulation using Johnson counter testbench provided Review synthesis results (resource usage and RTL netlist/schematic) o Note : Explanation of resource usage in report is not mandatory to provide. Review input and output signals in simulation waveform. Submit report … Read more