Research In Human Resource Management.

Assignment 2: PM article Review (Add name of article here) Your Name University Canada West HRMT 620: Human Resource Management Instructor Name Due Date, 20XX (Present the study you are reviewing, name the design, and briefly explain the study. See the example abstract below, which you may use as a guide.)  Abstract This article, Insert … Read more

Engineering standards for water irrigation system

 Answer the following questions:  What standards were used in your design?  How did the standards impact your design?  What are some of the societal, global, legal, ethical, and environmental impacts associated with your product?  This needs to be a specific and well-thought out response as it will be placed in the final report you create.  Were … Read more

Engineering standards for water irrigation system

  What engineering standards are used in a smart water irrigation system?  How did the standards impact your own water irrigation system?   What are some of the societal, global, legal, ethical, and environmental impacts associated with your water irrigation system?  This needs to be a specific and well-thought out response as it will be placed in the … Read more


A transistor amplifier is shown in Fig. 21.27. The parameters of the transistor are hie = 2 k, hoe = 25 S and hfe = 55, and the output load resistor dissipates a signal power of 10 mW. Determine the power gain of the stage and the input signal e.m.f. E. The reactances of the … Read more

Art Appreciation DB 6

  For this module I want to you to think about he context of art. Please choose an image that you felt was important from Chapter 4.1 or 4.2 and discuss why you thought it was important related to the context of the piece. In your discussion bring into focus how the artwork functions in either a … Read more

Thermistor temperature

  As a team, using this discussion forum, decide who will be the team leader for week 6, week 7, and week 8.  Everyone in the group must be a team leader at least once.  For the project, which will be explained in more detail next week, each of you will design and simulate an … Read more

writing assignment [ MLA ]

 After reading Five Things We Need to  Know About Technological Change and watching the What is Technology  & A Briefer History of Time videos, please reply with a 1-2 page  summary, answering the following questions:    How does Postman describe Technology?  What types of advantages does modern technology provide us with in todays society? What … Read more

Interpersonal Communication Final Paper

 Introduction: This assignment allows you to focus on one or several closely related concepts learned throughout the semester and apply those concepts to your own life. Additionally, this assignment will provide you with the chance to explore communication literature outside of the textbook and use that information to supplement your own perspective on learned concepts. … Read more