Haptic sensors for Robots

a). Challenges and knowledge gaps in the fields you chosen. b)Major technical specification, such as sensitivity, resolution, driving voltage etc. for thestate of art technologies c)Description of the working principle of subsystems or technologies including pictures ofthe system or subsystems d)Design methodology used e)Pros and cons of the existing technology from your evaluation.

Topics Mechanical Engineering – IC Packaging ( 3D packaging) project report

Here are details, I also included the 1 reference lecture slide and project sample (but project sample is for different topic). I need 4 pages on this not including the reference page.  Project#3 3D  Packaging   Chip on Chip, Wafer on Wafer, Package on Package stacking, interconnects like  Though Silicon Vias, Through Package Vias,  Assembly/processes, … Read more


A coil, having both resistance and inductance, has a total effective impedance of 50 and the phase angle of the current through it with respect to the voltage across it is 45 lag. The coil is connected in series with a 40 resistor across a sinusoidal supply (Fig. 10.15). The circuit current is 3.0 A; … Read more

Statistical and mathematical questions

1. An experiment was designed to identify a better ultrafiltration membrane for  separating proteins and peptide drugs from fermentation broth. Two levels of  an additive PVP (% wt) and time duration (hours) were investigated to  determine the better membrane. The separation values (measured in %)  resulting from these experimental runs are as follows: (a) Compute … Read more

case summary

need this in 1 hr    Read the Case Study, THE BARE NECESSITIES OF LIFE (FOR A MEDICAL DEVICE), and in a single Word document, answer the following questions: Identify the most important facts surrounding the case. Identify the key issue or issues. Specify alternative courses of action. Evaluate each course of action. Recommend the best … Read more

Six Sigma Optimization of Mystery Shopping: A Hypothetical Case Study on the Nigerian Banking Industry

you have 30minutes to send the case study back    read the attached Case Study, Six Sigma Optimization of Mystery Shopping: A Hypothetical Case Study on the Nigerian Banking Industry, and in a single Word document, answer the following questions: Identify the most important facts surrounding the case. Identify the key issue or issues. Specify alternative … Read more

Solve using Matlab Program

The exercise asks me for a matlab script code for this exersise, where it should to shows me the graphs the path x (t), the velocity u (t), the current i (t) through the coil, the electric force on the cylinder Fe (t), and the electromotive force e (t) induced on the coil.

writing code thermoelectric cooler

the code for  project like a circuit which have two sensors at its two ends which connected to an arduino when  those to sensors will get higher temperature differnce they send signal to the arduino and then  the arduino send current to other device in this way it work as generator secondly when we give … Read more

Rayleigh Flow Take-home coursework

Previously I have calculated all the parameters and stuff for a wind tunnel design (Fanno-flow). The new task states that to investigate the effects on the flow when a heat flux is applied to the wind tunnel (pipe). I have no idea where to start or what to calulate. Please help.