Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat transfer

Max 3000 words. Last digit of Student ID is 6. Kindly choose values from table accordingly. Please make the report according to description and kindly avoid writing same report as last year as it is been submitted to same university. It must be plagiarism free. Both theoretical and software.

Article summary

Article summary 1   Discuss two of the phases of the product/process life cycle that you feel are most important? Explain your reasoning with experience and at least two references. with 300 words  article summary 2    The paper assignment this week is to read the case on ALCOA and write a short one to 1.5 page … Read more

Essay need by 03/20/2021   Challenger Safety Article: You are to review the following article about the challenger Shuttle disaster at You are to reflect on the importance of reviewing details around technical concerns related to this incident and how this could relate to your future career in automotive design and answer the following questions. What overlooked … Read more

the Constitution

  After the Constitution was written in Philadelphia, it was up to the states to ratify.  Ratification of the Constitution kicked off a heated debate in the states over the merits of the new Constitution.  Anti-Federalists were alarmed about the new Constitution while Federalists tried to convince others of it’s merits.  After reading this week’s … Read more

BOOK Review: Getting to Yes (Fisher/Ury/Patton) Penguin Non-classics (2011) ISBN: 9780143118756 Updated Revised Edition

   Use a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the book in which you (1) summarize the authors ideas in the chapter in one paragraph and (2) discuss/reflect how these ideas relate to your life and/or how you can use these suggestions in your professional line of work (in one paragraph). This will result in two paragraphs per … Read more

Group observation

  The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to observe a community meeting or any organizational group in action to determine effective structure and dynamics, as well as make noteworthy recommendations. If you are unable to attend a meeting in person, feel free to watch a meeting online. Discuss any … Read more

Developmental experiences

 Identify two developmental experiences you have had that may have strengthened your ability to lead. What did those experiences teach you and how have you shared what you have learned with others? Be specific.   post must be between 250-300 words in length.  post must be supported by at least one scholarly reference