Resarch Paper

Privacy? How is privacy now being affected by the high-tech companies.  Currently, Google, Amazon, Twitter and Facebook collect information on every member they have. You agree to this collection and usage of your information when you sign the EULA to join any of these groups. If you want to join you have to agree to … Read more

Research paper

Privacy? How is privacy now being affected by the high-tech companies.  Currently, Google, Amazon, Twitter and Facebook collect information on every member they have. You agree to this collection and usage of your information when you sign the EULA to join any of these groups. If you want to join you have to agree to … Read more

Writing an Inner Office Memo

  Inner Office Memo Assignment Write a memo To:  new office hires From:  your name Date:  due date Subject:  Importance of good writing skills and amount of time spent writing The contents of this document is to be a discussion about the average amount of time spent on various forms of communication required for the … Read more

Week 4 Discussion

  There are several laws designed to protect the rights of children and students, COPPA, CIPA and FERPA.  With those laws in place to protect children, is it legal to take pictures of children in a public place without the parent’s consent?  The situation has come up several times where individuals were taking pictures of children at … Read more


  For this discussion board, you will analyze a problem on campus or in your work setting. Some examples can be found in Activities 5.15 and 5.16 on pages 183-184. Your post will be an actual message (letter, memo, or email) that could be sent to an appropriate campus official or your supervisor to propose … Read more

600 Words essay

Faced with the need to deliver risk ratings for your organization, you will have to substitute the organizations risk preferences for your own. For, indeed, it is the organizations risk tolerance that the assessment is trying to achieve, not each assessors personal risk preferences. 1.     1.  What is the risk posture for each … Read more


book Mass Media Law 21st Edition By Clay Calvert and Dan V. Kozlowski and Derigan Silver  Review the Learn: Libel Law Video activity located in this weeks Learning Activities folder.  Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  Why do journalists argue that the First Amendment protects them from revealing sources? With the … Read more


Background Ethics, and not knowledge, separate thieves from detectives and hackers from security administrators. However, a detective must think like a thief to catch a thief; in other words, white hat hackers should be able to think as black hat hackers in order to thwart their future attacks. Research You may use the text-book, In-the-News, or … Read more


There are several laws designed to protect the rights of children and students, COPPA, CIPA and FERPA.  With those laws in place to protect children, is it legal to take pictures of children in a public place without the parent’s consent?  The situation has come up several times where individuals were taking pictures of children at playgrounds.  … Read more