
Use book Consumer behavior building marketing strategy 13th edition By David l mothersbaugh Del Hawkins  Evaluate an online crowdsourcing site. Examples include Dell’s Ideastorm and Starbucks.  Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you review a crowdsourcing site. Name the site. Address the following: Explain what crowdsourcing is. How has the organization leading the crowdsourcing utilized consumers … Read more

Quick answer

Use book Consumer behavior building marketing strategy 13th edition By David l mothersbaugh Del I Hawkins Im Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: In todays world, many people use the Internet, smartphones, and social media. Thinking of something you purchased recently, explain how you used the internet, your phone, and/or social media … Read more

300 words required

You work for a metal fabrication company that has a trustworthy system for anonymously reporting accounting improprieties within the company. It has a clear policy that favors internal reporting.  Should a whistleblower be allowed to bypass that system and go straight to law enforcement officials?

When Van West first arrived in Mexico

  When Van West first arrived in Mexico, his VP Hernandez seemed like his most valuable ally. Now, his contributions are in question. As his boss, how could Van West motivate Hernandez to improve his performance consistent with the local culture? Assume you are meeting with Hernandez to address his performance. Develop an improvement … Read more

Understand the Scenario

   Understand the Scenario The DOE of your campus is hosting a series of two informational Open House events to promote STC to prospective students. She has asked you to attend one of the events and deliver a five minute presentation giving 3 or 4 reasons why those in attendances should at STC. She has … Read more

Week 4 – Cyber Security

400+ Words Keep information technology and Cyber Security  Discussion Points: How does data become usable information? How can it be misused? Find articles to support your argument in both situations. Is the article based on quantitative or qualitative research? Explain. What are the differences between primary and secondary sources? Provide examples of primary and/or secondary … Read more

Weeks five

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word reflection and evaluation of Parts I through IV of your organizational communication analysis. Answer the following questions: What is the value of reflecting on and evaluating a communication process after a crisis or challenging event? What could you have done differently with your organizational scenario that might have helped you formulate … Read more


Topic: Research the popular Types, Pros, Cons and your company’s use of Biometric Identification devices. Remember to get permission from security. If you are not currently employed discuss what types you would recommend.  Pleaes find and complete the attached document for this assighnments

Persuasion Rough Draft Outline

Write a full sentenced outline for your speech. This outline must be as complete as possible meaning a fully developed introduction, body, and conclusion. Remember, the speaking outline should be full sentenced. In your writing make sure you attempt to give sources credit through written oral citations, AND or in-text citations in APA format, and … Read more