The Piper Cub

Title : The Piper Cub. Need the historical perspective and its importance in aviation history: why is this information important, what contribution did it bring to aviation or aerospace, what did you learn while researching this topic.1.Use APA Writing style when presenting you final paper2.Font: 12 points, Type: Arial, Double space, number each page, footer … Read more

Hybrid cars

Create a 3 column BROCHURE on letter paper landscape orientation and double-sided. This assignment provides experience in preparing a document involving technical definitions, descriptions, and specifications for a specific audience and experience delivering the contents of the report in a reportorial speech.  Background Technical Descriptions & SpecificationsA technical description provides concrete details, precise words, and … Read more

The Pallace of Versailles – Baroque Architecture

It’s a 2500 word essay about the Palace of Versailles and its influence and relation to Baroque architecture The paper should be a holistic interpretation of the work of architecture, investigating a range of internal and external factors. The paper SHOULD NOT be a research report or book report, The paper should include a minimum … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment: 1. Topic: Pick a thesis and verify you can find enough data to research the topic and prove or disprove the thesis. Finding the thesis is wrong (Disproving the thesis) is still a Project. 2. Write a full 6-page (max 10-pages) research paper: the 6-pages includes the supporting graphs. Note: supporting data will be … Read more

renewable energy projects

Research one of the renewable energy projects listed below. 1) Describe the cultural and social factors that led to these projects, both internal and external to the country. Describe how these project have evolved and influenced the culture of the country where they are located. 2) If you were working on one of these projects … Read more

Law Summary

summarize a statute or regulation of your choice. It has something to do with engineering. Provide a 2-page brief    Name of statute or regulation, U.S. code reference (or similar), date of enactment Amendments to statute (or changes to regulation) Problem addressed by the statute or regulation Structure of the statute or reg. (how does … Read more

Harnessing natures power

Background: In this essay assume the role of an environmental activist, for an energy company that owns both hydropower and nuclear generation stations. Your organization has asked you to attend an energy conference in Washington D.C. There will be a number of U.S. Senators and Congressmen present and you realize that you will have an … Read more

Engineering/ Cyclic Voltammetry

These are data for three different treatments ( high phosphate, medium phosphate, and low phosphate) on three different shapes of the same material. Please make PowerPoint slides, including the scatter plot graphs on smooth lines. Please compare and contrast material of the same shape treated with different phosphate levels. Foree example, the square sample treated … Read more