IT206: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Do an algorithm. After you review Chapter 1 in your textbook and review all course materials attached below please answer the following question. Assignment Question :   Design and write an algorithm to find all the common elements in two sorted lists of numbers. For example, for the lists 2, 5, 5, 5 and 2, … Read more

Discussion Board #6

Submit a minimum of 150-word answer for EACH of the following questions : Explain the process of market segmentation and why its important for a firm to select a specific target market. What is the biggest mistake that people make when selecting a target market? Explain why its important to collect competitive intelligence, and describe … Read more

Scalability of Safety Management Systems

Not an an essay, just answer the following questions: 1) How might a Part 141 pilot school be different than a large Part 121 air carrier in regard to scalability?     2) Describe the primary factors that exist between a large, medium, and small organizations SMS.    3) Compare similar organizations to your own and identify … Read more

Government Regulations and Public Health Paper

The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to summarize and critically evaluate a scientific paper on risk assessment. Read the article from this unit’s studies, “New Risk or Old Risk, High Risk or No Risk? How Scientists’ Standpoints Shape their Nanotechnology Risk Frames.” Once you have read the article, write and … Read more

Open Source Development Product

The aim of this thesis is to expose the potentiality of open source product development through an overview of the history, sustainability advantages, licencing and legal aspects, economics, related project (OSE), etc. As a mean to provide the tools to tackle the challenges of food shortage, the ongoing climate crisis and the centralization of power. … Read more

IT207: Operating Systems

  For Assignment 6, Using both the Command Line Interface (CLI) and the Graphical User Interface (GUI), set up examples of hierarchical file systems with three levels. Take a screenshot and add them to a Word document, along explanations for the processes you used. Use APA format including any references you consult.  You are required … Read more

IT206: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

  1. Given this sequence of numbers:          9        13        19        27        37  a) What is the next number?  b) Write in your own word an algorithm to solve this problem for any numbers. 2. Let’s say we have the … Read more