What was the main reason why the English won the Battle of Crecy (1346)? The English were greatly outnumbered and on enemy ground; what was the main factor in their victory?

2. Using TSIS and lecture materials as your guides, follow the instructions and strategies to complete your essay draft. Incorporate at least four appropriate secondary sources, following in-class guidelines (i.e., avoid citing Wikipedia, general reference works like a dictionary or encyclopedia, and so on).3. Format final essays according to MLA guidelines, including a Works Cited … Read more

Critical/ analytical Response Assignment

Discuss the idea the text creator develops about an individuals need to escape when feeling the effects of alienation. Using the short story Miss Brill by kathrine Mansfield. Must also include a theme and a well developed thesis statement and two body paragraphs.

The Day that my Life Changed

Tell Your Story: Narrative Essay:Purpose:A narrative essay has a purpose, so you need to have intent and a reason for telling a particular story. Did the time in your life change you in some way? Did you learn a valuable lesson?  What is the reason for telling this story?Main idea/Thesis:Whatever your purpose for writing the … Read more


In an earlier version of the script, Hansberry ended the play by showing the Youngers sitting in their new home, armed and awaiting an attack from their white neighbors. Should this scene have been kept in? Whats the effect of deleting it? Would the presence of this scene have changed the overall message of the … Read more


In an argumentative essay, state and defend a claim about whether the benefits of progress are worth the costs or the negative side effects that they produce. Use examples and evidence to support your argument. Evidence can include the information provided here, prior knowledge, or research.

Character analysis

1. You will choose a charter from a film2.you will choose 3 representative scenes from the film that represent the characters identity and his or her journey 3. You will use the tri-focal lens approach 4. You will utilize a classic analytic structure  by examining : beginning, middle and end You are not trying to … Read more

Behind the marketing of DELL

Successful marketing is a mix of knowing customer needs and how to satisfy those needs. Customers are looking for value (the benefits of a product versus its cost) and companies aim to create that value. Visit the Dell website and answer the following questions:What target market approach does Dell use?Who is Dells target market? (Be … Read more

pauls case

I need an essay on the topic The importance of Social studies in the School curriculum, and the importance of social studies to students. Please see the assignment and question below. The department of Education recently said they were considering removing Social Studies from the Primary Curriculum. Write a paper explaining the importance of Social … Read more

Apps and Digital Currency

Question: How has app culture changed society? Read the articles and take notes for your second essay.Required Reading: 1. The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App, Forbes, 2014. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewanspence/2014/04/02/the-mobile-browser-is-dead-long-live-the-app/?sh=140ac8fc614d 2. The Future of Social Media Is All Talk, Arielle Pardes, WIRED, 12.16.2020. https://www.wired.com/story/the-future-of-social-media-is-all-talk/ 3. Bitcoins Greatest Feature Is Also Its Existential Threat, Bruce … Read more