Nationalism vs globalism

u will first present the scope of the issues and move on to what approach you determine is the better course and why.  It is highly encouraged that you put together an outline of your points and evidence.  It is also highly suggested that you make time to revise and proof.  I look forward to … Read more

First drafts

Read “Shitty First Drafts and Perfectionism” in this week’s readings then answering all of the following in a post of 250 or more words. Who is Anne Lamott? Be specific about her credentials and background, as if you were formally introducing her to an audience, which is an important literate practice in academics. Research to … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

ASSIGNMENT:    1.  Utilizing the Three-Part Communications Model, prepare an essay based on a military heritage theme.  It may not be a topic the student previously researched, published, or presented.  Everything in this assignment, including the essay, must be unclassified. 2.  Students will choose a current policy, process, procedure, custom, event, equipment, ship, etc. and … Read more


Length of Initial Post – 300-350 wordsDeadline for Original or Initial Post – Friday, Sept. 17, 11:59 p.m. Tasks:Read these five traditional poems written for children:  Against Idleness and Mischief (32),  The Sluggard (33), and Obedience to Parents (33) by Isaac Watts; The Old Mans Comforts and How He Gained Them by Robert Southey (33-34); … Read more

Social Media

DISCUSSION FORUM INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDELINES: Discussion Forum Guidelines: In addition to your own perspectives and analysis, please quote/paraphrase from the readings to ground your responses on the assigned readings of the week. This lets me know that you have done the readings! 350-word responses for each set of questions. Deadline: The Discussion Questions are always … Read more


For Milestone Three, you will submit your hypothesis development and investigation plan for your company. Consider potential frauds and perpetrators in your company, how the fraud could be investigated, regulatory issues, and any other fraud risk inquiries required. Once you have developed your fraud hypothesis, propose an investigation plan. Describe the process of how you … Read more

This week’s reflection question (due this Friday 11:59PM PST) is: (500-1000 words) What is your impression of the Asia Pacific/Pacific Rim from the movie trailer? How does the concept of Orientalism described in the International Encyclopedia of Human Geo

This week’s reflection question (due this Friday 11:59PM PST) is: (500-1000 words) What is your impression of the Asia Pacific/Pacific Rim from the movie trailer? How does the concept of Orientalism described in the International Encyclopedia of Human Geography relate to this impression? The question is only worth 3 points (so please don’t panic to … Read more