Ceremony by Silko

Please have read or have the book Ceremony. Complete requirements below. According to Gerald Vizenor in Aesthetics of Survivance: Literary Theory and Practice survivance brings into sharp relief an active resistance and repudiation of dominance, obtrusive themes of tragedy, nihilism, and victimry. In a post of approximately 250 words, consider the following questions: Based on … Read more

Social Media

DISCUSSION FORUM INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDELINES: Discussion Forum Guidelines: In addition to your own perspectives and analysis, please quote/paraphrase from the readings to ground your responses on the assigned readings of the week. This lets me know that you have done the readings! 350-word responses for each set of questions. Deadline: The Discussion Questions are always … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

To tackle the increasing prevalence of obesity, there is suggesting for interventions to discourage individuals consuming sugar drinks. Instructions: Using the soci-ecological model, design a population-level intervention to discourage primary school children consuming sugar drinks. Notes: describe your designed population-level intervention and evaluate how your intervention affects each of the 5 SEM levels. For the … Read more

How influential is narrative writing? Can storytelling shape or impact the way we understand ourselves and the world?

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – https://essayshark.com/blog/how-to-write-a-thesis-statement-to-make-it-clear/). Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text … Read more

Think #1

In 250 words do ONE of the following: 1) Identify & discuss one idea/concept/point from the reading that you found interesting. OR 2) Summarize an argument that you find very convincing. Explain why you think it is a good argument. In your explanation, be sure to identify specific reasons (or premises) that you find the … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Find six (6) different academic sources, i.e., peer-reviewed, on the definition or differences between utilitarian ethics and deontological ethics. Elaborate on the definitions, or attributes, or the differences from each source, and then use each source in a sentence with the correct in-text citation and reference them correctly in correct APA formatted Reference section.

Reader Response

Read this article : https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/06/fathers-day-coffin/562952/ :  Do not answer any of these questions in either your summary or analysis!  They are here only as a guide to help you think and write a one-paragraph summary and one-to-two paragraph analysis.  What should you write?  Ask yourself, if someone hadnt read this text, what would I tell … Read more

essay narration

ESSAY ASSIGNMENTSNARRATION Authors read:Sandra CisnerosOnly DaughterMartin GansbergThirty-Eight Who Saw Murder Didnt Call PoliceGeorge OrwellShooting an ElephantBonnie Smith-YackelMy Mother Never Worked Assignment:Select one author and discuss the elements of style and structure as they relate to his/her purpose. Structure:Use the following paragraph order and content: Introduction (1 paragraph)Author and titleSubject matter of authors essayPurpose of authors … Read more

Writing about three images

Once you have chosen your three street art images, please plan to include the following elements in your actual 3-page essay: – Identify and summarize what each image is trying to teach or share with viewers.– Identify the strategies used by the artists to prove their visual arguments. Stated differently, what elements are present in … Read more


Respond to this passage by both explaining what it is saying about literature and what you THINK about it. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Write A 1-2 page typed* (MLA style) reading response to this passage and please be sure it is properly formatted.  Perhaps literature is definable not according to whether it is … Read more