Online English case study

After reading the first section of Monkey Beach, respond to the following:Pick your favourite passage from what you have read so far. How does the passage you have chosen relate to the plot of the novel up to page 73? What themes do you see emerging? Discuss.How do you relate to the character of Lisamarie? … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

InstructionsWith your specific argument stance (thesis/claim) in mind, locate one scholarly source with opinions that do not agree with your own stance. Using Toulmin’s model, demonstrate the use of concession and refutation to rebut an opposing viewpoint, keeping in mind the importance of a humble yet assertive tone. Steps: In 2 rich paragraphs, answer the … Read more

Water quality/toxicology (such as the Flint, Michigan water crisis)

InstructionsWith your specific argument stance (thesis/claim) in mind, locate one scholarly source with opinions that do not agree with your own stance. Using Toulmin’s model, demonstrate the use of concession and refutation to rebut an opposing viewpoint, keeping in mind the importance of a humble yet assertive tone. Steps: In 2 rich paragraphs, answer the … Read more

Professional Cover Letter

Hello…This assignment is a professional cover letter for a job opening. You can use the websites listed to find a job in the field of property management, management operations, hospitality/tourism management, etc. or use other websites. Attached is the writing guidelines and sample of a cover letter. Grading rubrics is also attached to show you … Read more

personal Narrative

What is the Goal of the Paper?      Students are required to write a 825 word paper that relates a story about some aspect of their educational development, their experiences with reading and writing, (Literacy Narrative) or an event that happened in their social lives that they learned from, (Personal Narrative). The story  should … Read more

Comparative between Michael Jackson and Anton Chekhov

Comparative Research Essay Rubric/ChecklistINTRODUCTION (min 4-5 sentences) ___Hook __Percentage of Similarity ___%Background __Comparative Thesis __BODY (min 3-5 pps) ___Topic Sentence __Evidence ___Grammar/style __CONCLUSION (min 4- 5 sentences) __  Restatement of Thesis __Summation ___Fireworks ___APA FORMATTING __In-text citations ___Annotated Bibliography __Cover page w header ___Pagination/ds, 12 pt font __

Is writing essays boring or fun?

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text … Read more