Families of color seeking affordable childcare

Prepare a 3 page overview of the selected Community Intervention topic (Families of color seeking affordable childcare) from Boston Massachusetts area. Using local, state, and national data resources, compile as much relevant demographic and descriptive data as you can find about the population affected by the Community Intervention topic. Provide demographic data (who and how … Read more

history in 1960

The purpose of this assignment is to use primary sources to analyze how the U.S. Presidents of the 1960s viewed their decade Read the primary source documents listed below.  You must all of them in your paper Be sure to cite these documents in your paper.     John Kennedys Inaugural Speech, 1961    Lyndon Johnsons Inaugural … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

compare and contrast the RQ-4 Global Hawk and the MQ-9 Reaper.In the paper, you should discuss the type of system, capabilities, structure,limitations, payload, support equipment, and users.  It is not enough to merely list what isthe same and what is different. But, why is it important to see what is the same and what is … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Darwins early writings on evolution come in the formof travel writing from his voyage on HMS Beagle. How might his ideas on evolution relate to hisencounters with the Feugian people of South America, and why? Be sure to quote from the textto back up your points.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Derrick, the submission is missing some key elements. There is no clear thesis statement present in your introduction, so it is difficult for the reader to understand the argument being presented. There are two supporting points present, that may need some additional detail or explanation depending on what you land on for a thesis statement. … Read more

Control Processes

After reading the articles and watching the videos, what is your opinion on the perils of media ownership but one company or conglomerate? What do you think could potentially be a problem or even a positive outcome from conglomeration of media? https://www.journalism.org/2003/04/29/public-versus-private-ownership/ https://www.vox.com/2018/1/23/16905844/media-landscape-verizon-amazon-comcast-disney-fox-relationships-chart https://twistedsifter.com/videos/when-one-company-owns-dozens-of-local-news-stations/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=UnSILVWDKL8 https://m.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=obYEVEETWxw https://m.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=34LGPIXvU5M

Reading Reflection 7

This reflection will need to include at least one word, phrase, OR sentence that stands out to you. Then accompanying that one word, phrase, OR sentence, please submit a reflection in written Choose ONE of the following readings: Youre Going to Need This for College (BIAW) Face-to-Face Courses are Superior to Online Courses (BIAW)

The Purloined Letter

Dupin explains how he found the letter by comparing the principles of the Prefect and his team of police.  Dupin faults the Prefects failure to retrieve the letter from the Ministers premises to, they have no variation of principle in their investigations. Dupin uses the metaphor of the schoolboy to illustrate his own principles that … Read more

Memo from an Expert

Memo from an Expertthe monument we are talking about at this time is the <Memorial To Fallen Firefighters>please do some reading of the accident of the fire in 1995this accident was caused 4 firefighters death.please let me know if you want me to provide any of the summary of the story! What was it like, … Read more