irving response

Have a title, 5 FULL paragraphs of writing. Single space with one blank line between paragraphs. Quote from the reading you chose (either “Rip Van Winkle” or the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow”  and have a correct bibliographic entry on the reading following MLA style. Edit it carefully. Do not summarize the story–respond to it!

Waiting for the Barbarians’ and ‘Burn

Both the novel, Waiting for the Barbarians, and the film, Burn! are critiques of colonialism and nationalism.  How did you respond personally to these two texts?  Did you find their critiques to be compelling?  Do you personally respond more to the novel or the film?  Were there aspects to the style of the novel and/or … Read more


After reading  about the Jesuits, write a five paragraph response paper to the five points of this prompt: 1. What fact about the Jesuits most impressed or surprised you? 2. What did you know about the Jesuits before this reading?  3.  What specific Jesuit most impressed or surprised you? 4.  Find a quote in our … Read more

respone on Christian history

Read the PDF magazine in its entirety that is given to the class courtesy of Christian History Magazine, Columbus & Christianity in the Americas.(UPLOAD FILE) Choose one of the articles and write a response paper telling me why you chose the article (name the author and list the title in quotation marks), what new information … Read more

martin luther king, jr., “letter from birmingham jail”

You should begin your initial research about your chosen literature with some biographical informationabout the author then begin to read as much analysis of your particular selection as possible. When youare ready to begin writing your research paper, the biographical information should be very brief as anintroduction to your literature.Keep in mind that the purpose … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Plz write an Summary of Chapter 5 (one page) 2.Review Ch 6 Practitioner Perspective (p.150) (ONE PAGE) Answer those question for chapter 6 1. Who are in the communication networks? 2. What would be the system theory? 3. How would you define the culture? communication style? 4. What would be a comparison that you … Read more

response paper

SELECT A QUOTE FROM THE READING AND ANALYZE IT, USING THE FOLLOWING.1. Examining WHAT the text say( what it means)2. Examining HOW the text says what it say (Word choice, emphasis, selection of details, etc.)3. Examining Why the text says what it says in the wy that it does(Genre?Narrators focus or bias? Consideration of target … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Consider the examples of leadership you have read about in this module, from the prominent public and nationwide leadership of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Abraham Lincoln to the challenges of personal leadership experienced by Robert in Carver’s “Cathedral” or Lt. Jimmy Cross in O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried.” Now imagine you’ve … Read more