Any topic (writer’s choice)

Page Requirement: 6-7 pages, 12 point font, double-spaced. WHY:    This assignment will help you develop and improve writing and analytical skills using the case method. You will gain familiarity with and confidence in using the case study method to examine communication concepts and learn how they play out in realworld situations. WHAT:    In … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Plz write an outline of Chapter 5 (one page) 2.Review Ch 6 Practitioner Perspective (p.150) (ONE PAGE) Points to Ponder: Who are in the communication networks? What would be the system theory? How would you define the culture? communication style? What would be a comparison that you have experienced?

American Foreign Policy

American Foreign Policy Continuing with the public policy you selected in the Week 3 assignment, Historical Perspective, you will now describe and expand upon the influence, motives, and impacts of your chosen policy and its parameters. Write a 45 page paper in which you: Write a one-page summary of the policy, including the purpose, the … Read more

Rhetorical Situation

One of the fundamental truths about writing is that it does not occur in a vacuum. Writing is always a response to some sort of situation that calls for a written response. Sometimes the connection between the writing and the situation is obvious: business and personal communications fall into this category. Sometimes the connection is … Read more

Read Instructions

Closely read the text provided and write a source-based argument on the topic below. Use two additionaloutside texts that you determine to be both credible and relevant to the topic.Topic: Throughout history we have tried to conquer the wilderness, tame the jungles, and master theelements, and we are still trying to conquer space. But are … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week, we will address oral communication. Read three articles and attach a video of yourself speaking for approximately two to three minutes addressing the following questions: What are intriguing/revealing/surprising points you found in the article? Do you believe improving English pronunciation is more, as, or less difficult than other aspects of language such as … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

We often make judgments about someone based on their accent, such as how old they are or where in the country theyre from. Its common, too, for people to develop preferences for certain accents. All humans have these sorts of automatic associations and reactions, which are typically described as types of accent bias. Please watch … Read more

read instructions

EES88 NX Performance Task #1: Literary Analysis Essay Your Task: Closely read the pair of texts provided and write a well-developed, text-based response of atleast three pages (700-900 words). In your response, first identify the theme, or central idea, related toVoices of Protest that links the two texts. Analyze how each author uses a variety … Read more

Read Instructions

EES86 NX Performance Task #3: Narrative Writing Your Task: Create a narrative, or story, that develops an idea you have on the following theme: The Modern World. Your narrative can be a personal memoir OR a fictional short story. Whether drawn from your life or a work of imagination, your story should develop your chosen … Read more

Argument essay with research

EES86 NX Performance Task #2: Argument Essay with Research Closely read the text provided and write a source-based argument on the topic below. Use two additional outside texts that you determine to be both credible and relevant to the topic. Topic: In many peoples opinion, to call the link between language and culture sacred would … Read more